Chapter Eight

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I had everything packed for my trip to Jamaica. I had bought one new swimsuit and figured I could buy some more when I got there. I was wearing a cropped black hoodie and my hair was now dyed grey (since I was on the run) and styled in a low bun. I had on a pair of black leggings and some blue Nike flip flops with white ankle socks. I wanted to be comfy for my flight so I grabbed my thick Ugg blanket and this neck pillow I just picked up at Walmart last night. (I don't care how much money I make, if I need to run to Walmart I'm going to Walmart.)

I had placed the last of my new Chanel and Gucci luggage in my Uber driver's truck. I was so relieved that I was getting this vacation because I needed this mentally, to be honest. I told YaYa I wasn't going to bring my phone with me and I wasn't, but I did buy a backup iPhone 8 Plus and didn't give the number to anybody. I just wanted it for my pictures and my videos. I had YaYa book me a first class flight and everything. I figured it was the least he could do.

I had missed Londen and was tempted to find her before I left out of the country to give her my number. I have no idea why she ran off when she saw me. The only reason why I decided not to track her down was that I was already behind on schedule. I slid in the back seat of my Uber drivers Nisan to get a look at the driver. "Good morning," I said to her. My driver was a short dark skin girl with big lips and her hair was tied in a long natural ponytail with a blue silk scarf. It was obvious she was probably in the bed because it was around six in the morning and she had on a white v-neck and some short black colored  PINK shorts. She looked as if she had just got done smoking a blunt because the car had a slight hint of weed to it but I didn't care cause I smoke from time to time myself.

"Good morning, you're Valentine, right?" She asked me and I nodded my head. "Hey, I'm Deena." Deena was very thick for her size but she was a cute chocolate girl and the extra pounds looked good on her. I licked my lips. "What's good?" She laughed and bit her lip. "Hey, you mind if I sit up there with you?" I asked her. She shook her head. "Nah, that's fine girl." She said motioning me to join her in the front seat. I climbed in the front seat and reached my hand out to her. "Nice to meet you, Deena," I said as she shook my hand. "Likewise." She laughed.

She was cuter up close. I caught myself staring between her legs. I liked how her pussy print showed through her shorts. I looked at her boobs and noticed that she had her nipples pierced. Her breast wasn't huge but they weren't small either. They were a nice size. I wondered if I could seduce her and get me some pussy before this long flight. Might as well. The point of this trip was to relax, right? What better way than to start it off with some pussy. I still had time before my plane took off anyway... might as well.

"Are you ready?" She asked. She still hadn't pulled off so I took this as an opportunity to lure her into my house. "Oh, shit!" I said placing my hand on my head. "What's wrong?" She asked. "I forgot my plane tickets." I lied. They were in my purse right in my lap but she didn't know that. "I can wait for you to get it, girl, I don't have nothing else to do after I drop you off." "Good, I can have fun with you then." I thought to myself. The airport wasn't too far from me so we had plenty of time. "Okay but I don't know where exactly they might be. I think you should turn your car off and come in." She looked young and gullible, to be honest. "I don't know..." She started. "Come on, I wouldn't feel right as another woman leaving you out here by yourself." She thought about it and removed her seat belt. "Alright." She said as she turned off her car and grabbed her phone. We got out the car and she turned on the car's alarm. She followed me up my steps and I began to make small talk as I unlocked my house door.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2018 ⏰

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