Bro Down

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I was talking to Marcus (Dobre) on the phone when Chase started making these weird sounds. I tuned everything out cause his happy noises were annoying me. I was wearing a teal sweater/ shirt that said Boston in white letters, white skinny jeans, so black high tops, and a black beanie. "Okay what's with all the squeaky hamster noises?" Bree asked and I turned to Chase. "Did you finally grow a chest hair?" I continued and he smiled while rolling his eyes. "No... I grew two." He said and put up two fingers causing me to smile.  I hung up with Marcus and payed attention.  "Actually this is a little something I'd like to call 'Adam's payback.' " he continued and I looked at him confused. "For what?" Bree asked and I nodded. "Don't you remember what happened last Thursday?" Chase asked us and I thought about it before realizing what he was talking about. "Oh, yeah." Bree and I said. "You know I'm starting to think that you two are the twins." Chase said and I rolled my eyes.

Adam, Bree, Leo, and I were in the living room and Adam was saying that he could clean off the counter really fast. "Adam there is no way that you could clean that counter." Leo said and I doubted that. "I can reach that easy." Adam said and Bree looked at Leo. "Dani and I've seen him do it." She told him and I nodded. The door opened and chase walked in. "Oh hey, whatcha guys talkin' about?" He asked us and Adam smiled at him. "This." He said picking up chase and throwing him at the counter. Chase hit the chairs and groaned in pain.  Leo turned to us and smirked. "Told you." He said to us still smirking.

*End of Flashback*

"Oh, yeah. We all loved the 'bionic brother toss'." Bree said and I laughed causing Chase to look at me. "Yeah? Well let's see how he likes this." Chase said and smiled. Adam and Leo walked in and right away Leo knew about the trap. "Trap." Leo said and Adam stopped and I noticed his foot in the trap. "Trap what?" He asked and Chase pressed a button causing Adam to get hung upside down. "Oh the trap was on the floor." He said and I rolled my eyes. I tuned out but came back to reality when I saw Adam use his heat vision on the rope that was holding him causing him to fall on the edge of the counter and then hit the floor. He stood back up and his right arm was over his head and on his shoulder. "Um...Adam." Bree said and pointed to his arm and he looked at amazed. "Whoa. I never knew my arm could bend like that." He said and I winced. "Umm...It can't." I said and he looked at me shocked. "OWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!" Adam screamed and Leo fainted. I super sped upstairs and grabbed Mr. Davenport then super sped back to the lab. When he saw Adam his eyes went wide. "What happened?!" He asked us and Adam, Bree, Leo, and I looked at Chase. "Chase tell him what happened." I said and he nodded. "I wanted to get back at Adam after what happened last Thursday, so I decided to set up a trap for payback. But I didn't know this would happen!" Chase said and looked down ashamed. I walked up to him and hugged him. "It's alright Chase, it was an accident." I said and he looked at me and smiled, hugging me back. "Thanks Dani." He said and I nodded. "Your lucky it's just a dislocation. How many times have I told you guys not to goof around?" He asked my brothers. "Brace yourself, because this is probably gonna shock your world, but they don't listen to a word you say." Bree said and I nodded. "Look I know this was a freak accident, but he could have been seriously hurt. What if he landed on his head?" Mr. Davenport asked us and I thought about it. "Uh, it would have popped open, spraying confetti everywhere?" Chase and I said in unison but it sounded like a question. "Oh Ho! That would be awesome!" Adam said happy and I put my arm around his shoulder. "You know what I mean." Mr. Davenport said and I sighed. "But Mr. Davenport I wasn't trying to hurt him--
I was trying to get even. Adam is always punching me and throwing me around." Chase said and I nodded. "Yeah but when I do it, it's funny." Adam said and I rolled my eyes, pulling my arm away and sitting next to chase putting my head on his shoulder. "Adam, it's not funny. If any of you get seriously hurt when I'm not around, All it takes is one X-Ray of your bionic chip and you know what happens next." Mr. Davenport said. "Yep. You four go to A government facility, you go to the big house, and I get a big old mansion on to myself." Leo said pointing to Me, Adam, Bree, Chase, Mr. Davenport, and himself. "Leo, this is serious" Mr. Davenport said. "Oh, come on--
This really can't be the first time Adam has ever gotten hurt." Leo said and I shook my head. "No, it really is. Although there have been some close calls." I said and my siblings nodded. I tuned out after that until Bree nudged me and told me to come on.

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