The Rats Strike Back

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After the mission that we had to do, Adam, Bree, Chase, and I walked into the lab all tired out and dropped our mission bags on the floor and rested on the counter. "Another successful mission. Sure you guys blew up stuff but hey, that's the city's problem now." Mr. Davenport said while I got on top of the counter and lied down on my back. "Uh. Im so exhausted. I can't wait to just stand up and go to sleep." Bree said and I nodded. "Well you guys rest. My big NASA presentation is this week and we have to complete training on my gravity compulsion belt." Mr. Davenport said but I fell asleep to tired to even hear the rest. While I was asleep, I felt small, strong arms pick me up and put me in my capsule. And I knew that was Chase who was carrying me because Adam has bigger arms than Chase.


The next morning I was wearing a panda hoodie with a white t-shirt under, black skinny jeans, and some converse. We were making signs for us to go on strike and Bree and I made a ton with our super speed. I didn't even notice Mr. Davenport walk in and have a conversation with my siblings.



I was writing a new song while Chase and Leo were playing ping pong, Bree was watching teen fiancé, and Adam was eating a burrito while fixing his cankle problem. We were all enjoying ourselves when the power went out and Mr. Davenport walked in. He was talking but I wasn't listening and I started to get really mad that he turned the power. My heat vision started glitching and my eyes started turning red and Adam, Bree, Chase, and Leo must have noticed because they all tackled me causing my heat vision to shoot at the ceiling and bounced everywhere until it stopped. "Breathe Dani. Just calm down, everything is gonna be okay." Chase said trying to calm me down while Mr. Davenport was starting to get scared. "Bree hurry go get her the secret stash of sour patch kids that she has behind her capsule!" Chase said and Bree did as told handing me the stash. I opened the bag and grabbed a handful stuffing them in my mouth making me calm. When I calmed down I tried to get out of Chase's grip but he wouldn't let go. "Chase I'm fine, let me go!" I said and he did so.

*skip to the demanding point*

We demanded for a lot of things and sent Leo upstairs to give them to Mr. Davenport but he betrayed us and went on Mr. Davenport's side. I can't believe him right now. "You know what Leo, just don't talk to me now." I said to him and his face went from happy to guilty. "Dani I-" he started saying but stopped himself knowing that I wasn't gonna listen to him.


Adam, Bree, Chase, and I were talking and found out that Mr. Davenport was bluffing about Leo being the test pilot and decided to get him back. So we all went down to that lab and started talking to Mr. Davenport. "Mr. Davenport, if Leo is gonna be your new test pilot shouldn't he be doing the training that we have to do?" I asked him. "Oh that wouldn't be necessary." He said and was denying it. But we were telling him that Leo does need the training that we have to do. He finally agreed and we through him in the deep end.


Mr. Davenport through him an exercise ball and Leo caught. "That's really heavy and you caught it!" Mr. Davenport said and Adam denied, it picking up one of the yellow barrels and throwing it at Leo causing Leo to fall over. "That's heavy." Adam said and smiled at Mr. Davenport. The next thing we did was pressure, Mr. Davenport had Leo do Jenga causing him to shake with fright and Chase turned on the ball machine causing a bunch of tennis balls to shoot at Leo. Now it was Me and Bree's turn to test Leo. He was deflecting lasers in beginners mode. "This is awesome!" He said and I looked at Bree while smirking. "Let's see what you can do in combat mode." Bree said and I pressed combat mode and Leo deflected every single one of the lasers, except for the last one causing him to become stunned for a couple minutes and my siblings and I laughed while Chase high-fived me. I then decided to take a nap so I told Chase to wake me up whenever.


When I woke up, the dining table was smashed with one of the chairs in the middle of it, the piece of wood that held the roof is was smashed, and there was a hole in the ceiling. "What happened while I was asleep?" I asked everyone and they told me. So I walked up to Leo and took the belt off of him and handed it to Mr. Davenport. I then hugged Chase and fell asleep while doing it so I'm guessing that Chase had to take me down to the lab?


Adam, Bree, Chase, and I were talking and spending time together when the betrayed walked in. He then started apologizing and we all forgave him. And apparently he can't get his suit off so he has to walk like a hobo now until he is able to get it off.


Hey guys!!! Sorry it is super short, I'm so tired and I can barely move my finger from playing Mortal Kombat Vs Dc Universe too much. But I hope you enjoyed this chapter, bye!!!

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