And so it begins.

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"Are you sure about this Danny? The guys won't be mad?" I ask my brother as he loads my bags into his SUV. "I already talked to them all about it. Except Ben, I thought I would surprise him that his best friend is coming on tour with us so no one told him." he replied as he motioned for me to get in the passenger seat of his car. "What?! You're kidding. Do the BMTH guys know?" I questioned as we backed out of our long driveway onto the busy England street. "No. But I'm sure they'll become great friends with you throughout this tour. I promise, they'll love you. You are my sister after all." he says, winking. We quickly made our way to James's house and I jumped out of the car and made my way inside. I get greeted by everyone except Ben, who I get told is asleep on the couch. 

Making my way to the spacious living room, I slowly get on top of Ben, making sure to have him pinned before I yell "WAKE UP SLEEPING BEAUTY YOUR BEST FRIEND IS HERE!" "AHHHHH!" Ben yells as he struggles underneath of me. "What the- TRYSTEN?!" Ben yells as he looks up at me with a huge smile on his face. "The one and only and hey, guess what, I'm coming on tour with you guys too!" I say as I get off of him and help him up. "No fucking way!" He says almost too enthusiastically. "Yep!" I say as I pull him into a hug. 

We all talk as we pack the bus and get ready to leave, the first show was tomorrow night but we were meeting the BMTH guys tonight at some hotel in the city. It was a short drive and when we got there they were already checked in. "Top floor, room 1001, your friends are already up there." the hotel clerk says as she hands us our room keys. "Thank you." I manage to say as I'm sucked into the elevator by my brother and the rest of the band. 

Once we get to the room we're greeted by what I assume to be Lee, but I'm not sure, my brother hasn't introduced me to anyone yet. "Trysten, your room is there." My brother says, pointing to a spacious room on the far end of the suite. "Thanks Danny. Let me just set this stuff down and I'll be right out." I say, hugging my brother as I pass him to go put my things in my room for the night. "Who's she?" I hear a British man whose name I didn't know whisper to Ben. "Trysten. Danny's little sister, my best friend. She's 22." Ben says, just as quietly. "Introduce me? She seems cool." the British one says again. "If you're lucky." Ben says, somewhat harshly as he gets up. 

I make my way back to my room and call Ben back, making up some excuse as to why I needed to talk to him. "Yeeeees?" he asks as he enters and sits on my bed, ruffling up my hair in the process. "Who was that guy asking about me?" I ask as I look through my instagram. "Oliver. He's kind of a player..." Ben says, trailing off as he notices what I'm wearing. "Are you going to seriously wear that around 10 guys?" He asks, gesturing to my cut off shirt and shorts. "Yep. And oh." I say as I get up. "Now come on, lets get this party started." I say as I drag Ben out of my room. 

 Tonight was going to be interesting. 

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Join the Club. (An Oliver Sykes not so lovely love story.) *EDITING/REWRITING*Where stories live. Discover now