Losing Sight

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2 months. I haven't seen or spoken to Oliver in 2 months. For about 3 weeks he constantly called and texted me. I ignored it all. I ended up changing my number, as a sort of fresh start. The whole band is single now, along with me. It's like old times, all of us single and when we go out we push each other to make moves on strangers. It's fun. Danny got a dog, Lucifer Crue or Luci for short. She's adorable to say the least. He told us that "She's the only girl I want or need." and honestly, I'm glad. I'm tired of him bringing home bleach blond bimbos. 

James and I have gotten closer. After we both broke down, we became great friends. I mean, we were friends before considering I was almost always with the band, but now he's one of my best friends. It's great. When Ben is busy, James and I will have movie nights and stuff. He's fun, but very protective, in a big brother way of course. One time we went out, all of us, and some guy asked for my number. Before Ben or Danny could reply James freaked out and scared him away saying he "looked like a bad guy". It made me mad, but I'm grateful to have him in my life. 

Today I planned on going out to lunch with Danny. We really needed time together. I miss my brother!!! Even though I see him every day since we live together, we still never have time together like we used to. I dressed in black shorts, an I See Stars jersey and white vans. I straightened and slightly teased my hair and did simple makeup. By the time I'm ready I hear Danny yelling at me that if we don't leave soon our reservation is going to be late. I brush my teeth and quickly spray myself with perfume then run downstairs. "About fucking time!" Danny yells as I jump in the passenger seat of his car. I give him a fake hurt look and he quickly apologizes. 

We get to the restaurant just in time. Our waiter comes and takes our orders. "So baby sis, how have you been?" Danny asks, sipping his sweet tea. "Happy." I say after pondering the possible answers for a while. He just smiles at me and takes another sip. He sets down his cup and his face turns from happy to shocked to angry. Wondering what's got Danny's mood changing so quickly I turn around and see Oliver, having lunch with...her. "Danny can we...go..." I say, turning back to my brother. "Yeah. Lets. Before I kill him." Danny says as he throws down some money on the table and gets up. As we walk past, since they're right near the door, I think I hear Brandi say "I plan on telling him tomorrow about it." but I'm not sure. Telling who what? 

Thankfully they didn't recognize us. We left the restaurant and headed to Del Taco, one of my favorite places ever. We go inside and place our order then sit down. Danny is still fuming, but hey, so am I. 

We finish lunch and head to James' house where we know the rest of the band is since Ben texted us and informed us that we're all having a sleepover like good old times. Hey, no complaints here! We watch movies and eventually all fall asleep in the "movie room" which is just a room filled with pillows, blankets, and a huge flat screen just for movies. 

~Next Morning~

*James' POV*

I woke up at about 12. Well, Trysten, Ben and I due to the consistent ringing of my door bell. Who could it be? We all head upstairs to where the infernal noise is coming from. I open the door and before me stands the she-devil that I once loved. 

"Brandi, what are you doing here?" I ask as the rest of the gang peers from behind me to see who stands at the door. 

"I came to talk, James." She states simply then waltz's in like she owns the place. 

"You have 2 minutes. Go." I state simply, sitting across from her, followed by Trysten and Ben. 

"I'm 4 months pregnant. And it's yours." She says, pulling up her shirt to show me a small, but visible, bump protruding from her belly. 

I can't even speak. I just feel dizzy then the world come down around me. I'm going to be a dad...

I have another update for you guys, I'm just editing it. A friend of mine got in a bad car accident so I've been busy at the hospital with him. Sorry guys!

Opinions? 5 votes for next update! 

All my love,


Join the Club. (An Oliver Sykes not so lovely love story.) *EDITING/REWRITING*Where stories live. Discover now