Chapter Two

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"He never called you did he?" Austin said, as we rode in his car on the way to school.

"Austin, please. I really don't want to have this conversation."

"And you waited up all night, knowing for a fact he was never going to call you because he never keeps his promises to call you." He kept going, disregarding my pleas for him to stop.

"You were right! Okay?! Is that what you want to hear? You were right, so can you shut the hell up now? My God, Austin, all you ever talk about is how terrible he is. I'm so sick of hearing it. You know i'm not going to leave him, so just stop." I yelled.

"Oh right, sorry, I forgot. You love him." He mocked.

"I do love him, Austin."

"Whatever, Ella. I just can't wait for the day you wake up and realize he's a total asshole."

"Why do you lecture me about him all the time? I mean, honestly what do you gain from constantly nagging me about a relationship that's none of your business?" I fired.

"None of my business? You come to crying to me all the time about him. You tell me all of your guys' problems. It feels like i'm in the damn relationship along with you."

"I hate you." I said.

"No you don't."

"Yes, I do."

"Why, because i'm right?"

"No, because you're being an asshole." I huffed.

"I'm not being an asshole, Ella, i'm being blunt. I'm telling you the cold hard truth and you can't handle it." He told me.

"What was the whole point of you offering me a ride today, huh? So you could chew me out? Make me feel like shit? Piss me off?" I questioned.

"No. I just felt like being nice and offering you a ride."

"Whatever." The conversation ended there, both of us too irritated with the other to speak again. When we finally arrived at school, after a long and painfully silent car ride, I jumped right out of the car. I didn't even bother waiting for Austin.

"Wait, Ella."

"If you say one more word about Tyler, I swear-"

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings or pick a fight with you. I won't take back what I said, but I will apologize."

"You're so stubborn." I said, referring to the part where he'd told me he wouldn't take back what he said.

"Those are my opinions and i'm allowed to have them. I'm not taking them back."


"Good. Now stop pouting and let's be best friends again." He smiled.

"Don't smile at me, i'm mad at you."

"You love me." He flashes me a smile that makes my heart flutter and I forget why i'm even mad at him.

I do love him, and I damn well know that it's more than just as a best friend, but I keep lying to myself and pushing my feelings away. Sometimes I wonder why I do that to myself. Then my reason for it comes walking right up to me.

Tyler kisses my forehead and I smile. "Hey." I say.

"Hey. About last night, I'm sorry I forgot to call."

"Don't worry. It's not a big deal." I smiled. If Austin were standing here, he'd have rolled his eyes.

"You're the best." He grabbed my hand and led me into the school. As soon as we entered the hallway, the bell rang. "I'll walk you to class?" He asked.

"Yeah sure." I smiled. We made small talk on the way to class. Until he saw his friends. Then he pretty much ditched me. I sat down in my seat, which happened to be next to Austin, and sighed. I saw him lean over to me and open his mouth as if he were to speak, but I stopped him before any words could come out. "Not a word. You've said enough for today."

His mouth instantly closed and he slumped back in his seat.

Him and I didn't say a word to each other until lunch. And we have every class together until then.

"Are you done giving me the silent treatment?" Austin asked, sitting in front of me and setting down his lunch tray.

"Yes." I rolled my eyes.

"Good. I hate when you're mad at me."

"Then don't make me be mad at you." I smirked.

"Ha. You're funny."

"I try." I said, then took a bite of my lunch.

"So, my mom is getting off work early today, and she said she'd make us a good dinner if you wanted to come over." He said with a mouth full of food.

"Don't talk with your mouth full." I nagged.

"Sorry, mommy." He teased.

"I'm serious, it's gross."

"You're such a girl."

"You're such a boy."

"Are you coming or not?" He asked.

"Anything to stay out of the house." I answered.

"Have you talked to your dad yet?" He asked, switching the subject.

"Nope. Don't plan on it either."

It stayed quiet for a few moments until Tyler came and broke the silence. "Hey, babe. I'm gonna sit with the guys for today, but i'll sit with you tomorrow. Promise."

"Yeah, that's fine." I smiled.

"Thanks. Love you." He walked away before I could even get the chance to respond.

Austin rolled his eyes and I pretended not to notice because I don't feel like fighting about it.

* Austin's P.O.V *

I had to roll my eyes at that. Of course he wasn't going to sit with her tomorrow, that was just another empty promise. And she knows it; I can tell by the look on her face that she knows it. And it drives her crazy, but she insists that she loves him. Hell, maybe she really does, but he's no good for her. I've been trying to make her see that for a long time. I'll admit, part of me wants to see her leave him because I want her, and have for a long time. The other part of me just wants her to be truly happy with someone that will treat her way better that he does.

All of me, though, just wants her to want me too. I want her to love me the way I love her.

"What are you thinking about?" She asks, startling me.

"Hm? Oh, uh nothing." I say.

"You looked pretty deep in thought." She raised an eyebrow at me.

"Just zoned out I guess."

"Okay." She smiled. "Weirdo." The lunch bell rang, and she stood from the table. "I'll meet you at your locker after school."

"Sounds good." I replied, also getting up. She walked away and caught up with her stupid boyfriend, and I just stood back and watched like I always do.



so how is it so far? leave me any feedback you have, i'd love to read it. i hope this book will do as well as Not So Bad did :)

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