Chapter Fifteen

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It's the weekend and I should be relaxing, but instead i'm out running an errand for my mom. She's sent me to the grocery store to pick up some stuff she needs for dinner tonight. So, here I am, in the grocery store, and the devil himself walks past the isle i'm currently in.

"Please don't see me," I whisper to myself.

"Ella?" Tyler asks, coming back to my isle.

"Hey," I force out.

"How are you?" He attempts at a conversation and I nearly roll my eyes.

"I'm fine I guess," I say. "What about you?"

"Same, fine." He kind of shuffles around and I just stand there, not knowing what to say or do. "You seem happy," he says all of a sudden.

"Not completely, but i'm well on my way," I tell him truthfully.

"Good. You know that's all I want for you," he smiles slightly.

"Oh really?" I challenge. So that's why you cheated on me and ruined our three year relationship?


"Sorry," I cut him off. "It just came out, I guess."

"Don't be. I get why you'd still be mad at me." Again, there was an awkward pause, but he breaks it. "So you and Austin, huh?"

"What about us?" I ask.

"Aren't you guys a couple?"

"No. Well it's complicated, sort of. We want to be, but we're waiting for the right time," I tell him. Why I told him, I don't know. Maybe in hopes that it'd sting him a little, even though he could probably care less since he's got his cheerleader now.

"Oh, well, that's.. good." It was obvious he wasn't sure what to say. Maybe he was a little hurt by it. Serves him right for what he put me through.

"Yeah, it is," I say, matter-of-factly.

"I know I've said this before, but I truly am sorry about everything. I still feel really guilty, which I should, but I guess I just needed to apologize another time," he says.

"Tyler, I forgive you. I don't understand why you did it, and yes it still pisses me off, but I choose to forgive you because I don't want to hold on to this hurt anymore. I want to let it go so I can move on," I tell him truthfully.

"I get that. And I truly am happy for you and Austin. I know he'll be everything I couldn't be to you. You deserve a guy like that in your life. You deserve everything, I really mean that," he spills.

"Thanks," I smile. I knew Tyler was sincere, so I valued his apology and well wishes. "As much as I don't want it to be true, I do hope that she makes you happy," I say, referring to his new cheerleader girlfriend, whose name I still haven't bothered to learn.

"Thank you, but I think it'll be a while before I'm fully happy again."

"You'll get there," I smile.

He smiles, too, and starts to step back. "Well, I should probably go."

"Yeah," I nod, "me too." He starts to walk off, but I call him back.

"Yeah?" He turns back to look at me.

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"I know this might not make you feel any better, but I think you gave me that last push I needed to move on, so thank you," I say whole-heartedly.

"Glad I could help." He gives me one more smile before walking away.

I take a moment to go over what just happened, and it makes me smile. I'm ready to let go of that part of my past and get on with my relationship with Austin already.

I quickly finish my shopping so that I can rush home and tell Austin my news.

I call him as soon as I get there and tell him all the details about Tyler and I's talk.

"Austin i'm ready," I say.

"It's too soon, you can't possibly be moved on already," he corrects.

"Letting go wasn't as hard as I thought it'd be," I confess. "Like I've told you before, I haven't been in love with him in a long time."

"I still think it's too soon. I really don't want to rush into this, Ella. I want us to both be completely ready and sure about this."

"I am sure. I want this; us," I try and convince him.

"I want this too, you already know that, but I feel like just because you two talked it out, doesn't mean everything's okay all of a sudden. You still need time to heal."

"I know how I feel," I say, growing frustrated. "Do you not want to do this anymore?"

"Of course I do, why would you even ask me that?" He questions.

"Because it seems like you're trying to talk me out of it."

He sighs. "That's not what I'm trying to do at all. I just want you to be absolutely sure. I want this to be right. I don't want us having any regrets about this," he explains.

"I won't, I promise," I plead.

"This is a big decision, I really think you should just take the day to think about it, sleep on it, and get back to me tomorrow. Make sure you won't want to change your mind," he advises.

"Well, what if you change your mind?" I ask quietly.

"That won't happen. I've wanted to be with you for years, one night won't change that."

I breathe in a sigh, deciding he might be right. Taking one more day to think this over might not really be all that bad. I understand that he just wants the both of us to be completely on the same page.

"Fine. I'll talk to you tomorrow," I said.

"Tomorrow," he confirms.

"Okay, then," I get ready to say goodbye.

"Wait, Ella. You know I love you right?"

"Yes, of course I know that. I love you too," I smiled, even though he couldn't see.

"Just checking," he chuckles.

"Bye, Austin," I laugh.


I have to say i'm a little bit hurt that Austin seems to keep pushing our relationship off, but I understand why. I know what I want, and I'm gonna make sure I get him. I wouldn't want to be with anybody else.


i actually updated on time, wow. make sure to vote & comment pretty pretty please! & please go back & vote for the last chap. if you haven't already!

oh and merry christmas!


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