Chapter Nine

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Things between Tyler and I have been rather rough ever since our last fight. We've been distant and have even been avoiding each other. We both know that there's an issue here, but neither one of us will take the step to fix it.

The hard thing about it all is, our relationship was never like this. If we'd had a fight or a problem, we'd usually talk it over and with time, we'd be on good terms again. We never went this long without trying to talk it out. We never let each other stay mad for very long. But this was different. I didn't have the energy to deal with this yet another time, and it was like he could care less that we'd fought.

He'd said some pretty hurtful things that stuck with me from the second he said them. And even though I feel like he did a majority of the damage, I am going to step up and be the one to put an end to this.

Deciding that showing up at his house and talking to him face to face would still be too hard for me, I called him.

It rang once, twice, three times. After the fifth ring I figured he was just going to ignore me, but he picked up.

"Hello," he answers.

"Hey," I whisper.

"Did you need something?" He asked.

Hurt, I relpy, "I just want to talk."

"You should've come over or something so we could've talked in person then."

"Talking face to face would have just made me cry the whole time. I figured this would be easier for both of us."

"Well, you wanted to talk, so talk."

"Why are you being like this?" I sighed.

"Being like what, Ella?"

"Rude!" I proclaimed. "I don't understand why you're being short with me."

"I don't know," he said carelessly. I could practically hear him shrug through the phone.

"Whatever. Look, the reason I wanted to talk is because I wanted to discuss our fight."

"What about it?" He asks.

"First of all, I'm sorry I freaked out on you, but you really hurt me. I want you to not have to feel like you have to hide things from me. You could've just told me what was going on and chances are I would've been fine with it," I explain.

"You would've freaked out anyway. Plus, I don't see why it's a big deal."

"Of course you don't," I muttered.

"Ella, what do you want me to say?" He sighs.

"I don't know. I just want this fight to be over," I said.

"Look, i'll just see you at school in the morning, okay? We can talk more then."

"Yeah, sure." I don't say anything else, I just hang up and instead call Austin. It's late at night, but I know he's awake. We talk for a couple hours before I finally decided to call it a night. 


The whole way to school I was trying to mentally prepare myself for Tyler and I's talk. I just had a feeling it wasn't going to go well and that we'd make no progress, but I had to try. I wasn't just going to give up my three year relationship over this little fight. 

I search the halls for him. I check his locker, but he's not there. I pass by his group of friends, but he's not there either. I even went out to the parking lot to see if he was by his car. He was nowhere to be found, and each passing second that I was wondering where he was, was another second I was dreading the point where I actually find him and we have this talk. 

I come back into the school and make the rounds again. This time I actually spot him, but he's not alone. There he is with that girl again. I try not to freak out immediately because he told me they were just friends. He always believes me when I say there's nothing between Austin and I so I have to give him that chance too. I decided to wait a while behind the wall so that they can't see me, but I can see them. 

As of right now, they're just talking. He's smiling and she's laughing, just like the last time I saw them together. A minute or two goes by and I notice that she's getting ready to leave. Before she steps away though, she leans up to Tyler with puckered lips. And, he leans down into her, and kisses her.

That makes my heart both stop and beat rapidly at the same time. I can't believe what I just saw. Just friends my ass; he'd been lying to me the whole time. I was stupid enough to believe that he was "just friends" with the pretty, popular, cheerleader. I felt like I should've seen this coming a long time ago, but I was too stupidly in love with him to open my eyes to what was really going on. Austin was right. He was probably always right. And I had listened to my fucking heart over my best friend. Austin knew better than I did. He always knew better than I did. It's finally come to bite me in the ass.

I was feeling overwhelmed with emotion. I wanted to scream at the girl. I wanted to go up to Tyler and confront him; yell in his face for embarrassing me this way. I wanted to yell at myself for being so blind. I wanted to be mad at Austin for being right, and not forcing me to believe him. But, most of all, I was feeling devastated. So instead of confronting my cheating ass boyfriend, or going to my best friend for comfort, I ran to the bathroom, locked myself in a stall, and cried. 

There was no way I could tell Austin bout this just yet, because he would literally beat Tyler's ass in front of the whole school. For now, or at least while we're at school,  I'd have to keep this to myself and act like i'm not a heartbroken mess. And later on today,  I'm going to Tyler's house and doing what I should've done a long time ago. I'm breaking the hell up with him. 


i really have nothing to say but lol. i'm sure some of you saw this coming. while it may seem a little early for them to break up, i think this is the perfect time. i've been waiting for this chapter lolol. anyways, let me know your thoughts. i'd especially love feedback on this chapter ;)

sorry for the late update by the way. college has me BUSY.


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