Chapter Three

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* Ella's P.O.V. *

"I feel like it's been ages since i've seen you." Austin mom's held her arms out for a hug and I gladly embraced her.

"Hey, Michele," I smiled.

"Well, you guys go ahead and hang out. The food should be ready soon, and then we can talk more," she told Austin and I.

"Need any help?" I asked.

"Nope, I got it. Thanks." She disappeared into the kitchen and I followed Austin up to his room. Once I was in there I dumped all my school stuff in a pile on the floor and then plopped down on his unmade bed.

"Have you ever made your bed? Seriously, every time I come in here it's always like this," I joked.

"Who actually makes their bed everyday?" He questioned.

"I do. I can't stand to see it all messy."

"I'm too lazy to do it."

"You're too lazy to do anything," I laughed.

"Can't argue with that."

"So, let's talk," I smirked.

"About what?" He asked, sitting next to me on his bed.

"The girl I saw practically drooling over you in first period."

"She was not."

"Was too. She's really pretty. You should talk to her; ask her on a date or something maybe," I suggested. Honestly, i'd be a little sad to see Austin with a girl because deep down I know I want to be with him, but it might also help me get over these.. feelings, or whatever i'm having, for him.

"Ella, I already told you, I don't want a girlfriend," he groaned.

"Why not?" I asked.

"We've had this conversation so many times. I just don't want one."

"Don't you at least like anyone? Or think anyone's cute?"

"Of course I think girl's are cute. Doesn't mean I want them to be my girlfriend though. And yes, I like someone, but I still don't want a girlfriend," he said.

"Why won't you tell me who the girl is?" He's liked someone for a long time, but I can't get the name out of him. For some reason, he just won't tell me.


"That's not a good enough reason."


"Guys, food's ready!" We heard Michele call from downstairs.

"Darn, looks like we won't have time to finish this conversation," Austin said with sarcasm.

"This isn't over, Austin. I will get it out of you!" I said playfully.

"Good luck," he muttered.

We raced downstairs and sat in our usual seats around his dinner table. A couple minutes into dinner, Michele started making small talk with me.

"So, Ella, are you still dating that boy.. What's his name?" She asked.

"Asswipe," Austin said under his breath.

"Austin!" His mom scolded. I shot him a glare.

"His name is Tyler. And yes i'm still with him," I smiled.

"Wow, well, that's great. You two have been together a long time," she said.

"Yeah, three years."

I saw Austin roll his eyes out of the corner of my eye, but I chose to ignore it.

"Three years of your life wasted," he commented.

"Austin, please, can we not do this every time he's brought up?" I pleaded.

"What? It's the truth. I'm allowed to speak the truth."

"Austin, come on, there's no need to be rude," Michele said in my defense.

I raised a challenging eyebrow and he just huffed in return. "You'll see it one day," he said.

I sighed, and got up from the dinner table. "Thank you for dinner, Michele. Sorry I can't stay," I said. I went up to Austin's room and started gathering my things, but didn't get very far before I was interrupted.

"Wait, don't leave," Austin pleaded.

"Why the hell should I stay? So you can talk more shit about my boyfriend? I am so tired of this, Austin. We do this almost every time he's brought up and it's exhausting. I love him, okay, and it hurts me that you constantly rag on him. And, i'm not going to break up with him just because you don't like him. So do me a favor and keep your stupid opinions to your damn self." I grabbed my stuff, shoved it in my bag, and proceeded to leave. He chased after me all down the stairs and all the way to the front door, but I didn't stop.

I was tired of the fighting and arguing over things that were none of Austin's business. If he couldn't be a good friend to me and not hurt me, then maybe we didn't need to be friends at all.

Not wanting to go home, I decided to just go to Tyler's. With tears stinging my eyes, I knocked on my boyfriends door and waited. After a few seconds, a shirtless Tyler opened the door.

"What's wrong? Is everything okay?" He asked.

"Can I come in?" I asked.

"Sure." He stepped aside so that I could come in, then closed the door after me. "Let's go up to my room." He started up the stairs so I followed. When we reached his room, I sat down and he turned off the video game he had previously been playing and gave me his full attention. "Is it your dad?"

"No, not this time. Actually, it's Austin."

"What happened?" He asked.

"We got in a fight, again. About you." Tyler sighed and I continued on. "We always fight about this. I just don't understand, I mean, he's supposed to be my best friend. He should be happy that i'm happy, but all he ever does lately is put me in a bad mood. It's so tiring to constantly have to defend myself and my relationship," I said between sniffles. "Sorry, I don't mean to come off as a baby for crying but i'm just exhausted from all of this fighting."

"It's fine," he said, putting a comforting hand on my back. "Honestly, it sounds like he's jealous or something."

"What? No," I denied.

"Think about it, why else is he always telling you that i'm not good for you and that you deserve better. He probably wants you."

"No. He's just.. heavily opinionated. He wants to be right, but I won't listen to him so it pisses him off and he kinda lashes out is all. He's stubborn."

"Whatever you say." There was silence for a quick moment. "Hey, I, uh, have to get to football practice, but i'll call you tonight."

"Yeah, sure," I smiled.

"I'll give you a ride home," he offered.


Tyler took me home and I went straight to my room, as usual. I fell asleep that night, phone in hand, waiting for Tyler's call which, you guessed it, never came.


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