Chapter Six

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Friday. My favorite day of the week. It's finally here. I can't wait until school's out so I can just go home, relax, get ready to enjoy my weeken-

"Ella," Tyler's voice says.

"Yeah?" I looked across the lunch table to my boyfriend.

"What are you doing here, Williams?" Austin demands before Tyler could even start his sentence.

"Don't worry, I was about to leave. I was just wondering if you two were coming to the big game tonight?" He asks.

"Oh, right, the game." I pushed a hand to my forehead. "I almost forgot, but i'll definitely be there."

Tonight is the first football game. Tyler, being the star and all, is really excited. I, however, am not. Not only do I have to give up my relaxing Friday night, but I have to sit and watch a game I know nothing about and pretend i'm interested.

"Great. What about you, Mahone? The team could use all the support it could get and I know Ella would feel better if you went with her," Tyler said.

"No," Austin said. I shot him a look and practically begged him with my eyes. He rolled his eyes and answered, "I'll be there."

"Cool. I'd stay, but coach says we've got to sit with the team today. I'll see you tonight, though."

"Of course," I smiled. He gave me a quick kiss before making his way back to his teammates.

As soon as he was gone I caught Austin glaring at me. "You know I don't want to waste my Friday night cheering for your boyfriend."

"Austin, he was trying to be nice to you. The least you can do is put in the same effort. You don't even have to cheer, you can just go to keep me company," I pleaded.

"Come on, you don't even like football," he whined.

"True, but Tyler wants me there to support him so i'm going. And you are going too. Not for him, but for me."

"Fine. What time should I pick you up?"


"I'm already bored," Austin said from beside me on the bleachers.

"The game hasn't even started yet."


"Would you stop complaining? Tonight will be fun," I smiled, nudging his shoulder for like the hundredth time tonight. He gave me a look that said "if you do that one more time i'll push you down the bleachers".

"Sure," he rolled his eyes.

"How bout I go get us something to drink and you stay here and save our seats?" I offered.


I left Austin at our seats and went to get in line for the drinks. While there, I heard a few girls talking about the guys on the team. Most of it was your typical, so and so is hot, I'd like to spend the night with blank, type of stuff. Something that did catch my attention, though, was when they started talking about Tyler.

"Tyler's got to be the hottest one on the team," one said.

"Oh, definitely."

"The uniform makes him look so good, but I bet he'd look even better without it, you know what I mean?" Another said and they all started giggling.

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