Don't Worry Its Canon Now

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I lead him down stairs.
I say at the same time as Jack, "We need to talk."
Jack asks the question that's been on my mind for days, "What are we?"
I say, "I hope more then friends. What do you want to be?"
"More then friends."
"We should tell our parents."
"Now, my love."
"Are you scared?"
"Slightly Ban, this is completely new, uncharted territory."
"Jackee, it'll be fine. I promise."
I grab him by the hand and drag him up the stairs.
I scream, "Father. Where are you?"
He yells back, "My office."
I whisper, "Be ready, Jack, you'll be fine." I scream, "I'm coming there."
I walk to the office which is on the second floor.
I say, "Father, please don't be mad."
My dad asks, "Why would I be mad?"
"Jack and I have something we need to tell you. Jack would you like to do the honors or should I?"
Jack says, "It should be me."
He asks, "What do you need to tell me?"
Jack says extremely fast, "Bandit and I are dating and we figured you would like to know because we would like you to approve of our harmless relationship."
He says, "I approve."
Jack sighs in relief.
He says, "I-I-I appreciate that you came to me, it really means a lot to me."
I say, "Jack, you do realize it's not over yet. We have to tell your dad. Frank's still here, right?"
Jack nods.
I ask, "Dad, where is Frank?"
My dad says, "He just went to the garage."
I pull Jack down the stairs and to my garage.
I say, "Frankie."
Frank says, "Oh, hi Bandit and Jack. What do you want?"
Jack says, "We actually don't want anything. We want to tell you something. Bandit, you want to tell him?"
I say, "Uhh, yeah. Frank please get down here."
Frank climbs down off the ladder.
I say quickly, "We just figured you would like to know ahead of everyone else. Jack and I are dating."
Frank says, "This took longer then expected. I am glad you had enough courage to tell me and I assume Gerard so we didn't hear from the others."
"We're going to go to my bedroom."

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