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It was liam. "You okay?" He asks I jump back kind of startled. He chuckles. "Sorry but are you?" He asks again. I shake my head. Still crying. "What's wrong?" He asks. Did he really care? "My mom left me in the road so I crawled here than it was over so I had no where to go so I hid." I choked on words a couple times. "Why did she leave?" He had concern on his face so I answer. "I said whatever after she told me to shut up." I stood up.

"I'm sorry." He says. The boys appear behind him. They huddle and whisper. "Come on." They grab my hand and pull me with them. "Wait where am I going?" I ask. "With us." Emery says. The others smile. I just nod. Was this a dream? We hop in the car and emery was driving of course, he starts the car. This is real. Emery turns on sweet little something. Boys. I chuckle out loud oops. "What?" Ricky asks. "Nothing." My voice went high to show sarcasm. "I'll figure it out eventually." Ricky smirks. "If you say so." I shrug

Couple hours later

"Were here!" Two of them yelled. I didn't know which because I was asleep. "Who woke me up?" I glare at them. Ricky and emery whistled. "You will pay!" I yell. "I told them not to." Liam says. "Good boy." I laugh. "I'm not a dog!" He yells. "By the way what is your name?" I chuckle they didn't know. "Sunshine." I reply. "Cute for a cute sleeper and girl." Liam smiles. I giggle." Thanks no one has ever said that." I smile. Ricky coughs what sounded like 'stalker much liam?' "What?" I ask. "Nothing." He did the same thing I had done in the car.

"Liar!" I yell. "I just said Liam acts like a stalker the way he just said your a cute sleeper." Ricky smiles. Liam glares at him. "Haha." I laugh. "You know who we are right?" Emery had to make sure. He was unloading the car. "Of course when I saw you guys on my screen I realized there was no point of dying." I explain my life.

"Don't die. Pleaseeeeeee." Liam did the puppy dog face. "I won't." I force a smile. He walks over to me and crushes me in a hug. "Cant... breath." I try to say. "Sorry." He rubs the back of his head. As we walk inside. "It's so pretty!" I exclaim. "Good enough for a pretty girl right?" Liam says kissing my forehead. "Ew boy cooties." I laugh. "Meanie." He steps on my foot like a child.

"Okay love birds can you help us?" Emery giggles. "Ewwww." We say in unison. Emery rolls his eyes. I start to cry. "What did I do?" Emery asks trying to hug me. I pushed him. "Don't please." I say. I ran outside but I didn't know my way around so I just sat there crying

Couple minutes later

"You okay?" Liam came out. "Yes I'm sorry." I start to cry. "Don't cry. Just say what was wrong." He smiles. I nod. "When emery rolled his eyes it reminded me of my mom leaving me." I sigh. I pushed a celebrity and it was one of my favorites!. "It's fine." Liam says. "No Liam it's not. I pushed a celebrity you know how much trouble I could get in? Also you guys are my favorites!" I yell sort of.

"No one will hurt you. Also who is your favorite?" He raises his eyebrows at the last part. "You duhhh." I giggle. "You know mine?" He asks. "No who?" I laugh. "You!" He yells. "I'm not famous." I smile. "Let's go in." I shiver. "Okay." Liam smiles,grabs my hand, and walks me in. I see emery sitting there it looks like he was crying. "I'm sorry!" I burst out running to him. I started to cry. "It's okay." He strokes my hair. "It's was my fault." He sighs. "No it was mine. I pushed you! You didn't push me!" I yell. "It's fine. Now go on follow Liam he will get you to your room." He smiles.

Hey guys. I hope you like this. I know I changed it a lot. Also I don't hate brook at all. It is just the sake of my story. ( sunshine and liam ship name is lishine) I know it sucks don't judge I'll make a better one. Also if you read the original version I just rewrote it because sunshine bases my character sorta and it seemed like she had something with Camden and I honestly hate the boys right now. (Need the truth dm me on Twitter or message me.) Twitter in bio!

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