truth or dare

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Sunshine P.O.V

We all sit down on floor in a citcle. "Who first?" I ask. "Meee!" Ricky yells. "Okay." I sit back down. "So Riley truth or dare?" Ricky asks. "Truth." She smirks. "How long have you and emery dated?" Ricky asks. "Well um uh 1 year." Riley looks back at Emery.

"Okay next." Ricky says. "Truth or dare sunshine?" Liam asks. "Urm truth I guess." I don't know if that was best. "Besides me who do you like Ricky or Emery?" He asks. "Naldo." I sigh. "Meanie!" He yells. "Welcome Naldo." I laugh.

"Emery truth or dare." Liam asks. "Dare!" Emery yells with no hesitation. "Hmm I dare you to kiss sunshine." Liam says. Hall no! We all look at each other. I didn't want to do this. Emery crawls over and kisses me.

I like it but I love Liam more. "My turn." Riley says. "So Isabel truth or dare?" She asks. I knew what she would do if she picks dare. Don't pick dare. I cross my fingers. "Dare." Isabel says. No.

"I dare you to kiss ricky." She crosses her arms. Isabel crawls over and kisses Ricky.

Riley P.O.V

I didn't care so much that sunshine kissed emery. It was the smile on emery's face afterwards. I know sunshine wouldn't do that to me so I wasn't scared. "Elizabeth, truth or dare?" Sunshine asks. "Dare." She says. "Umm I dare you to sit in ricky's lap the rest of the game." She says. So Elizabeth did.

"Ricky truth or dare?" Isabel asks. "Dare please." He says. "I dare you to kiss Riley." She says. Was this revenge? Ricky quickly kisses me. This game is getting out of control. "Hey why don't we play would you rather instead?" I ask. "Sure." They all say.

First I wanted to talk to Sunshine. "Sunshine can you come here?" I ask. "Sure." She smiles. "Did you like the kiss with Emery?" I ask. "Well not really. You love him and tbh I love Liam." She says. I believe her.

"Okay would you rather peeps sit on down." Emery yells. Gosh I love him.

I updated a lot today/yesterday. Well again thanks to Cheesecurl5350 Cupcakes_are_bae1 and malibel75 for being in the story. I won't update probably much tomorrow I'm going to Cheesecurl5350 house with malibel75 for new years. Since cheese curl has no WiFi I can't update much. I'll try. Well happy new years. Thanks again guys!

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