Phase 4

811 22 15

August 16th, 2015


Today was a pretty chill day. Fetty Wap had came to the studio so we rocked out to some music and played around with some stuff. He was a really cool guy and I was glad we were able to work together. A couple people from each of our crew was there and we was chilling, having a good time. My phone started going off in pocket so I took it out and when I saw the caller I.d, a smile spread across my face.

"Who got you smiling like that?," one of my friends asked.

"Your mother. Now mind ya business."

I immediately answered before she hung up. Her clear, beautiful face popped up on the screen, she was smiling harder than me.

"Wassup kid."

"Very funny Rob. Wassup wit you?"

"Nothing much. I just got home and no one is here and I'm super bored."

I got up and sat in a chair in the corner away from everyone.

"Where all ya besties at?"

"They all went out without me so now I'm stuck in here."

"Well that sucks big time doesn't it?"

"Shut up Christopher. Where are you?"

"Studio of course, fucking wit some stuff. I kinda wanna leave but that would be rude wouldn't it?"

"Yeah it would. Unless you just say you gotta step out real quick. Go to the room next door, I gotta talk to you about something."

"Is it bad? What I do?"

She laughed, "Nothing, just go boy."

"Alright, alright."

I got up, told my boys I had to step out real quick, then went to the empty studio that was next to mine.

"I might go pop up on one of my other besties though."

"Oh really? And who might that be?"


When I opened the door, I was in complete shock and speechless. There was Robyn, sitting on the counter in the middle of the room, smiling that captivating smile at me.

"You gonna stand there and stare all day or you gonna come give me a hug?"

I ran to her and picked her up off the counter as she wrapped her legs around me.

"Oh my God, what you doing here girl?"

"I came to see you silly."

I finally put her down and looked at her again. I still couldn't believe her sexy ass was here.

"You supposed to be in New York right now, what the hell you doing on the west so early?"

"I had some other business to take care of so I decided to come a couple days early. The rest of the girls are still in New York so I thought why not come up here and see you. Which reminds me, they should be calling me soon when they realize I'm not there."

Robyn and her crazy ass antics man. This is why I loved her.

"Aw man Rob, you know you gonna give those girls a heart attack right? They do not play when it comes to you. Especially when they find out you here wit me, they gonna think I kidnapped you or something."

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