Phase 6

797 18 9

November 2015
New York City


"Thanks for coming again Chris. Make sure you come back and visit."

"No problem Angie, I got you."

I just got finished doing an interview with Angie Martinez and I was super tired. All this promoting for the album had me doing so many interviews its insane. I was more than ready for the album to come out though. I'm about to drop a surprise mixtape for my fans and I know they're gonna go insane, especially since Robyn is on it. I also got a new single out that I was releasing a video for soon. I honestly wanted to release it cause I felt like my fans deserved it. I did a lot of dumb shit and even though I really don't owe anyone anything, I wanted my fans to know that throughout all that, nothing matters but the music.

"So what's next on the agenda?," I asked my manager as we walked out the building.

"Well we go to Hot 97 next and then you're done for the day."

I chuckled, "Alright, this should be interesting."

After the interview, I was super tired. All I wanted to do was get in the bed and go to sleep. None of my crew was here yet so that meant I had to be by myself until they came, which also meant I had nothing else better to do but sleep.

Walking inside the hotel I was staying at, I bumped into someone I wasn't expecting to see.


"Oh shit, hey stranger," she smiled and pulled me in for a hug.

I was very surprised to see her. She hugged me tight and I did the same.

"Wassup, what you doing here? Don't you got a crib out here?"

She laughed, "Yeah, I just came here to see someone. I'm about to head home now, you busy?"

"Nah, I just finished doing a couple interviews so I'm free now."

"Good, you're coming with me then. I'm making dinner tonight and I'd love it if you were there."

I laughed, "Alright, you ain't gotta tell me twice. Wait, you wanna go out the front?"

There was a whole gang of paparazzi outside the hotel and I know they would love to get a pic of us together.

"Sure, why not? Let's give them something to talk about," she said smiling.

"Crazy ass."

"I love you too," she winked at me then proceeded to walk out of the hotel.

I waited a minute or so before walking out as well. I was immediately bombarded with questions like "Are you and Rih back together?", "Why are ya together?", shit like that. I got in the parked SUV and told my driver to follow Robyn's car.

When we got to her apartment, we did the same thing we did at the hotel with her walking out first then me. Luckily, the paps weren't around at the moment but we still rushed inside just in case.

"Welcome to mi casa," Robyn said as she opened her apartment door.

"Wow Rob, it's really nice in here. I'm feeling the nice neutral colors," I said as I took off my jacket.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2016 ⏰

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