3. Desire

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"The darkness in his eyes, the fire in his touch. I look into his eyes. I see it. What he wants, what he needs."


My  fingers outlining the curves of the glass, dragging the glass to my lips and inhaling the toxicity. Closing my eyes, I began savoring the burning whiskey that made me feel complete. The city around me was intricate, new, and untouched. Dublin became my past; London was my present. The grief to my mother's death became my revival- my survival. It became motivation for a new beginning.

My attention was diverted to a neurotic women shouting. "You are a monster!" Her breathing was hard and audibly hard. "This man is a liar! Sick. Monster!" she cries her heart out, betrayal consuming her. The eyes gather around her as she makes a scene. As the handsome man's impressed face becomes horrified by the scene she is causing. He is instantly on his feet, attempting to calm her down. The madwoman rushes across the room and leaves erratically.

This night definitely just got interesting.

I stare at the man taking the scene in frantically. With all eyes on him, he struggles to find a explanation to her reaction. "Sorry, she takes medicine. She's clearly not in her right mind." He hesitates, as his cover just got blown. "I'm sorry," he apologizes.

I couldn't help but smirk, as he heads to the bar. The closer he gets I can't help but feel my body get hot and tingly. This man is a sight to take in, smoldering emerald eyes, perfect plum lips, and a godly body. I've seen this man before, I wonder. The way he confidently walks across the room, even after the scene. I can tell he's powerful and important. He's not any man. Powerful and incredibly sexy, my inner goddess screams. "I'll have a scotch," his raspy voice pronounces,

"Make that two," I state. Our eyes meet and I can't help but laugh loudly. I was absolutely impressed and curious about him. How could he drive this girl to madness? I wanted to meet this monster.

He clears his throat and hesitantly, he speaks. "She's crazy. "

I poke fun at him. "And you're obviously a bad guy." I gave him a playful smirk " A monster." I laugh.

Panic sweeps his eyes. "I'm not a bad guy," he lies.

"And I'm not a bad girl," I lie.

Silence descends. We stare at each other, the emerald-eye devil meeting his match.

My voice halts him. "It's fine. It's obvious she's crazy. I would personally take being called a monster as a compliment."

His eyes glint devilishly into mine. The words he never thought he would hear from another person. His feelings, thoughts, and desires matched. "You see that's why I don't like women," I continue. "They're weak, fragile, and crazy." Our eyes never leave each other's gaze, "I like men," I smirk.

The bartender returns with our drinks. I eagerly take the glass in my hands and gulp. His eyes never leave mine. He is a predator calculating his prey, ready to attack. The lust and attraction is inevitable between us. The silence just adds to my pulsating need to be taken to the darkness by him. His eyebrows furrow and I question him. "What?"

He licks his lips slowly and states. "I'm just impressed. Females usually stick to other options."

The more I observe him, I find a man equal to my darkness. He remains impassive, intense, and dark. I realize that I am ready to dance with the devil. Ready to sin repeatedly, in the hands of Satan himself. "I'm not like most females," I challenge him.

The vixen within me coming out of the shadows. I lower my voice, seduction pouring. "For example, I would have not cried and made a scene."

"What would you have done? " He challenges me.

"I would have given you the middle finger and told everybody in the room just how bad you are in bed," I state plainly. The truth is, I would have done way worse. I would have destroyed him. I would have precisely planned revenge to whoever attempted to betray me.

He laughs and runs his hand up the length of my bare arm. His touch ignites me, sending a wave of fire through my body. I am highly stimulated over him. He tempts me. "I'm pretty sure I'm a rock star."

God, I want to find out what this man is capable of. His cockiness is enticing, luring, and dominating my control. I want to know more about him. The mysterious dark man in front of me, I want to know everything. "So why did you dump her?" I ask curiously.

He shrugs his shoulders. His face remains impassive, his eyes cold of emotion. "We weren't together. She thought we were. I have too much going on in my life right now, I don't know what I want," he states.

The darkness of his eyes, the fire in his touch. I look into his eyes. I see it. What he wants, what he needs. "You want a challenge. Adventure, danger, intensity," I say.

"What do you want? "

"I want the exact same thing," I declare.


Before I know it, I'm thrown in the waiting elevator. He clicks the button leading to the thirty-fourth floor. His lustful gaze never leaves mine, and before I know it, his lips attack mine. Our mouths, hot and wet as they blend. Thirsty and anxious for each other. His hands possess my hips, my ass, my body. His fingers wide over my hair pulling me closer. His tongue trails down to my neck, leaving his marks behind.

I find myself breathing harsh and fast. "Where are we going?"

"My room." He leaves a hot trail from my neck to my ear.

"No," I whisper, as I push him forcibly from my pleading body. Sex is never fun without a game.

"No?" he repeats confused.

"Here," I challenge him, as I press the stop button. His eyes widen, but remain dark and lustful. "You want it, don't you? The adventure, danger, intensity?" I smirk. "Take me here." My eyes darken, the same shade of his. I challenge him; I want to see the monster. I want to test what he is capable of.

He pauses. "Anyone can come here." The look in eyes, the panic. I see his fear.

My inner goddess takes control of my body. I pull back my mop of curls and instantly unzip my dress. Luckily, I decided to wear a black mini dress with a front zipper exposed. I let my dress fall to a pool on the floor. His lustful eyes take it all in. My black lacy bra and black satin thong. He battles his desire for my body with his fear of being unmasked. Under his gaze, my body electrifies. My vixen screams, take me rough and hard, now.

He then grabs me by the waist and slams me back against the wall. My legs fly up around him as he cups my ass in his hands. His needy mouth meets mine. I feel his hardness around me, surrounding me, begging my body for release. We began to fight each other for control. Our tongues exploring and claiming each other; fast, frantic, and urgent. Our breaths becoming one. I struggle to, but successfully pull his shirt off. I erratically touch every inch of his solid hard body, needing him. His lips never leaving mine as I use my feet to undo his belt. He laughs, breathless, as he helps me. The desires, lust and need rips through my body. I never felt such a strong attraction or need for a man, like I feel at the moment. In the flick of a wrist, my bra falls hopelessly. His mouth claim my bare breasts, he sucks fiercely.

I moan loudly as I can't wait any longer. I cup his jaw force his dark eyes to meet mine. "Now," I plead

He takes me there, hard, deep, and rough.

I met the monster.

A/N : This is my first sex scene.While half of a sex scene , I could have continued but I thought the chapter would have been too long. However, if you guys want I will finish this scene.What do you guys think? Thanks so much for the support.

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