11. Fear

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"I had begun to fear how this story would end."



I wiped the tears from my eyes, but they kept coming. I was still stunned and confused about the moments I had spent with her. Lana Edwards, I had heard so much about her from others. She was the talk of the town from the moment I let him into my heart. So many would tell me stories about her; they all varied, but one thing stayed the same. She was dangerous. And after today's encounter with her, I could confirm that she was psychotic. I was still puzzled and full of questions about how a human being would be able to say and do the things she did.

There were so many questions I wanted to ask. How could he get involved with her? The way she was able to manipulate the whole situation around her. Or the fact that she was capable of self- mutilating in order to get my attention. How was she able to plan all this? Does she really love him? Why would she leave him then?  Would she have shot me? Had she ever killed anybody? My mind was racing with thoughts that I could not control. I could not tell him what had happened today. No matter how much I wanted to, I never kept secrets from him but I had no choice.

"Lana Edwards." I slowly muttered the words trying to make sense of everything. They always told me that she would follow him, no matter if she was present or not. She left her mark on Harry and nobody seemed to forget her, not even him. I had never mustered the courage to ask or even speak to him properly about the situation. The few times the name was brought up, he would tense and take a deep breathe. It wasn't fear or hate. It was something stronger, unbreakable that he would never let go. I would watch quietly and painfully, as his eyes closed and he would imagine her and reminiscence, losing himself within her.

I still remember the first time I met him. I was working in the E.R, had just began my residency, and he had just suffered a car crash. She had done more damage than the accident. I tried hopelessly to put back the pieces and fix him. I looked into his eyes and saw half a man looking for the missing piece to go. She had stripped him of everything he was and left him to wander; lost. Every day would begin in his hospital room. It was as if God was pushing me his way to make him see the light. I would check his vitals even if it wasn't my job. I would watch him sleep, monitor his breaths. When he woke up, I would look into his broken eyes and tell him, "Today's going to be a good day". Every night would end with him in my mind, praying for him to be whole again. Slowly but surely, I used love and medicine to bring him back to life.

But in the few weeks, she had come back. She brought chaos into our lives. She had begun to destroy everything that I worked so hard to build. I would look into his eyes, but now they were different; colder than I had ever seen. He couldn't hide his feelings from me, no matter how hard he attempted. He assured me every night that he loved me. But every night, I would have nightmares.

Today, when I stood face to face with her, the devil herself, I realized that she was worse than what I had heard. She was dark. I had never before seen something like that in my life. I had begun to fear how this story would end. I would never be able to forget the gun. I had never even come close to one before to all of a sudden have it pointed at my direction. Her raised and threatening voice had brought chills to my skin. This was a dangerous woman; everybody had told me, but I could never imagine just how bad she was until she stood in front of me. All her words were stuck in my mind; the threats, the gun, and the unholy blood. Although my fear was high, my heart spoke louder than her demonic mind. I had no regrets of the words I had spoken, and I would repeat them if I had to. I had found strength in Harry. I could only imagine how much she had already ruined his life. I was going to be the angel who would save him from her.

I told her I would not drop the wedding. I wouldn't let him go, nor would I ever let her destroy him, even if that would mean the death of me.

Even under the fear, I knew God was on my side. No matter how much the devil threw my way, I knew that the light would guide and protect me. I had faith that love and kindness would always win the fight. I was not scared about her love for him or about what she could do. But my greatest fear was losing him to her; losing my angel to the devil.

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