Chapter1: Tougher And Tougher

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Coco sat on the counter of his old housefolk's house. They had abandoned him only leave him Food, Litter box and some toys. He sighed and licked his paw. He jumped down and when out side, he heard a locking noise and turned around to go back inside. He put his head on the door to go back in but it was locked. "Oh Mousedung!" He growled.

"Oh, A kitty pet thats locked out of there Two leg nest? Should we Teach him A lesson?" The sound of laughing Scared Coco. "Umm.. No thanks." He asked backing away A bit. "Umm, this is a misunderstanding, please get away from me........." Coco said shivering with fear. He got a hold of him self and Growled.

He unseathed his claws and Jumped up on to the window sill. "Leave." He said and his tail flicked at the rogues. "Excuse me? This is my Territory, You can't tell me what to do!" The big male rogue growled. "Umm, Excuse me, bu-" He was cut off by another cat. "Teasing Kitty pets, I see?" A brown Tom asked.

Coco wasn't sure if this cat was a Friend or a foe. "Leave or I will rip you to little... tiny.... peices." The brown Tom growled and Slashed the Bigger Tom's cheek. "Fine." The Tom growled and walked away, the other cat following him. One turned around and hisses at him. "Oh, really?"

The Tom growled and Ran towards the other cat. He Pinned the other cat down and put his paw on it throat. And slowly unseathed his claws." No stop!" The wiggled and sceeched. "Heh, Will you do that again?" The Tom asked, stopping to ask him the Question. "No, Just let me go!" The Tom smirked and let him go.

He walked back over to Coco and sat down. "You coming down, or what?" He asked with a smile on his face. "Yeah, Thanks." Coco said and Jumped down. "Umm.. By the way, I'm not a Kitty pet, At least anymore, and can you get this collar off of me?" Coco asked. "Sure, Don't move."

The Tom Clamped down on the Collar with his teeth and the collar snapped. "Thanks back there." Coco meowed rubbing his neck with his paw.

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