Chapter2: Fitting In

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Coco walked behind the brown Tom. "Umm.. By the way I'm Coco." Coco said to break the Silence. "Oh, That's a nice name. I'm Mudstar." He meowed. "Oh, So your on of those Clan cats!" Coco gasped. "Yep." Mudstar meowed.

Coco walked up To Mudstar's side. "Are you taking me to your clan to become your Prisoner or Something? I can hunt and fight, I've always been fascinated with clans so I practiced Hunting and Fighting." Coco meowed. Mudstar stopped and turned to Coco. "A kitt- Er-a, Rogue now, practice fighting and hunting?" Mudstar said with a confused look on his face.

"Yeah, I bet- Er I'm a little scared to use attacks on some else. I have know Idea why though, I just want to be in a clan, But with my House folk Gone I can join Your clan, I promise That I will not start Fights, Kill anyone, or Disrespect you or your clan." Coco meowed. "Well, we do need more cats." Coco watched as Mudstar thought.

"Well it's Fine if you don't want me to be in your clan......." Coco meowed and flicked his tail toward deeper in the forest. "Ok, I'll decide later, Just come on Its starting to get dark and rainy." Mudstar meowed and Started to run to his camp, Coco ran after him.

({What do you guys think of my story? Let me know in the comments!})

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