Chapter5: Goodbye Prey

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Goldenheart padded to his nest, it was after the clan gathering and he was exhausted. He was finally home. He was littery dragging himself to his nest. He layed down and fell asleep.

He was standing in the forest. Shiny glimmering cats walked closer and closer by the second. Who are they? Are they the legend my mother told me before she left? The Yellow Tom who was standing next to a white furred she cat with green eyes, walked forward. "I am Micah. I was the first medicine cat of skyclan."

The white she - cat padded forward as Micah stepped back. "I'm Mothflight. First medicine cat for Windclan." Goldenheart was confused. Why are they telling me this? A Tom that looked like one of the rogues that tried to attack him, stepped forward with that green eyed stare. He look important, possibly another medicine cat?

The Tom was taller than Goldenheart. A black Tom with white for paws and a white chest. "I am CloudSpots and I am the first medicine cat for Thunderclan." He stepped back and a dappled she - cat stepped forward. "I am Dappledpelt, First medicine cat for Riverclan." She meowed. "And why are you telling me this?" He asked. Micah stepped forward. "Because we have A prophecy for you, but, let your clan know that you are not the medicine cat."

Micah meowed then blinked. "When the Prey is gone, so will the Mud and Night." Goldenheart Gasped. "Are you saying that they die?" He asked a little angry. Mitch sighed. "Let the medicine cats figure that out." He growled as if Goldenheart had done something wrong.

"Ok.." He meowed. "Remember.. When the prey is gone, so will the mud and night......" The voice faded off. It was earlier than dawn. Warm bodies twitched and shifted in the little strings of light that came down and shone on the cats.

Goldenheart got up and walked over to Keoleaf's den. "Keoleaf?" Goldenheart poked his head into Keoleaf's den. "Keoleaf?" He meowed again. "Yes?" Keoleaf's reply was a a little weak. "Keoleaf are you ok? You reply sounded weak..." Goldenheart asked shocked a little. "Oh... No, I just woke up and was about to get some prey to eat." She meowed. "Oh.. Ok, Well Can I talk to you?" Goldenheart asked scared a little.

"Do you want me to get you some prey then come back and talk?" Goldenheart continued. "Sure!" Keoleaf giggled with a smile on her face. "Ok, I'll be right back." Goldenheart bounded over the fresh kill pile. He picked up a shrew and bounded back over to Keoleaf's den. "Here!" Goldenheart meowed with a Tang of laughter in his Voice. "Thank you, And what did you want to talk about?" Keoleaf asked.

"Oh, Well I got visited by starclan an last night...." Keoleaf's tail started to swish fast. "And they didn't even tell me!" She growled and dug her claws into the dirt. Goldenheart was shocked at her reaction. "Woah, Woah! Calm down!" Goldenheart meowed with fear in his voice. "They gave me a message..." Goldenheart shifted his body waiting for her reaction. But Instead she just continued finishing her Sherw. "Ummmhmmm?" Keoleaf meowed. Goldenheart nodded. "They said that when the prey is gone, so will the mud and night." Keoleft's eyes widened. "Oh my starclan! The prey has been disappearing lately! And Mud and night? Mudstar and Night shade!" Goldenheart was in shock. Mudstar and nightshade were in great danger!

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