Ch. 5 Royal 4's placements

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Please listen to music while reading.

Author point of view

One calm and quiet morning, before the sun came up, Nana was sitting on her bed looking out the window, waiting to see the sunrise of the new day. You see she was up this early because she felt that this new day ,that was about to come , something new and exciting would happen. She had no idea what would happen today.

After seen the sunrise Nana got dressed for school and then went down stairs to see her father setting their breakfast on the table.
"Good morning Nana. " her father says with a gentle smile.
" Good morning Dad. " Nana says excited about the new day. When rhey finished their breakfast Nana went to school and her father went to his office, for work.

With Isao

£ Isao's P.O.V £
" Good Morning Mom, " I said.
" Good morning Isao , " mom said with a smile.
" What is for breakfast? , " I ask sitting down.
" The usual, " she answered. And as soon as they finished eating Isao went to school and his mother went to work,house work.

~At the school~

%The Great and Powerful Author P.O.V.%

The teacher introduces how to do ballet. Teaching them how to do solo moves, and explainig ballet. Then after all of that the teacher let the students have individual practice after stretching.
" Hey Isao , Takao , and Yuki. How is practice?"Nana says with a grin.
" Great! Did you know that by the end of the week we will have a test to see who will go in the advanced class!?" Takao said.
" So fast!?" Isao says shocked and scared.
" Yeah. I can't believe it, it's so soon." Yuki says nervously.
" I can't wait! " Nana says excited.
I bet I will make it. " Takao says with pride.
" Yeah. Don't kid yourself. "Isao says sweatdropping.
" Well, I am going to give it my all and go to the advanced class! " Nana exclaims.
" Look what you did Takao you made Nana overconfident. " Isao sighs.
" I hope we all make it. " Yuki says happy.
" Yup, but I wouldn't bet on Takao. " Isao snickers.
" What is that supposed to mean! " Takao yells.
" Exactly what it sounds like. " Isao says smirking.
" Calm down you two. School is already over. You'll just have to find out the results of our practice at the end of the week. " Nana states while waking out the classroom to go home.
" Bye! " Isao, Takao , and Yuki say splitting up and go home.
After the week of practicing and the test the results were to be announced at the assembly.
" Hello everyone I am your schoolmaster and I am about to announce the students that will be going to the advanced class. " Nana's dad says. Then the school claps.
" I will be says them saying the order of the last student to the best." After he named the students from 15th place to 6th place He was going to announce the top five people.
"In 5th place is Sachi Mochio. In 4th place is Yuki Mochio. In 3rd place Takao Shizuku In 2nd place is Isao Amamiya . In 1st place is Nana Shizu ." The school had screamed because the school's most popular people are in the top four. They were the school's people that are admired and are looked up to. They were the R4, Royal 4. They seemed like they were royalty. The people that could not be associated with.


Sorry for not updating for years. I hope you like this chapter. Tell me what you thought about it.

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