You Were A Good Brother... To Me

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  • Dedicated to Samuel N. Grief

Heavy load you carried, laboured breathing and turning blue

Knotted cord around your neck, obstetrical and pediatric crews

Gathered to help you come out first, assisted ventilation

No crying sounds heard by me, I was still in jubilation.

Did not see you for a whole two weeks

But it not take too long once we met

A secret language came to us soon

About how we felt and what we'd get.

Friends to each other, partners in life

Greeted by all as the twins

Who is older, who is smarter?

Who is the one that always wins?

High and low I can search, I know

A brother like you is rare

You would sacrifice your head of hair

There is no one that compares.

Grand were our plans

To rule the world with smarts

Great adulation

Winning at croquet and lawn darts.

You led the way with words hello

Fearless and forward you were

Saved me shame from running to and fro

At parties, I used to move around in a blur.

When we arrived, people stopped and stared

It's the twins, what a pair debonair!

I knew you had my back and I had yours

We loved each other so that we did not have a care.

You were there for me

And I was there when you shared.

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