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Hanging in mid-air, half-way to the ground

That is where I'm aiming when it's my time to be found.

Grasping for the branches, the ones that lie just out of reach

With tears of joy on my nose and drool on cheeks.

Ten thousand days have gone by and several thousand more

What awaits me on this journey?- More lessons about my core?

Yesteryear happened and lies mostly buried underneath

Now I'm more interested in the lessons that I can bequeath.

Mid-stride is where I aim...

Right in the middle of the play

Huddled in a heap

Soaked with sweat.

Mid-stride ahoy!

In the center of the action

Glad to feel the wind on my back

As I launch myself into eternal satisfaction.

That is how I wish to go...

In a messy bath of effort

Not lying down or moving slow,

But living every moment with exert.

Sucking in my last deep breath

As I take my final turn

Pull myself up, hoist my emblem

Keep kicking the can though my legs burn...

I'm aiming for mid-stride.

Soon I Will Be HistoryWhere stories live. Discover now