Chapter 2

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"Here you are, four coffees," said a barista as she gave the coffees to a table of four.

"Thank you," Jason said as he took a sip. He noticed Synn's eyes following the barista as she walked away.

"She's out of your league," said Osias, noticing her stare as well. "You'd get friend zoned at best."

"Thanks for the vote of confidence," Synn said. "I think I have a shot."

"A very slim one," Jason said. "Anyways, moving past Synn's sad dating life, I got us a job while we're here."

"Aww, man!" Ella complained. "We're supposed to be on vacation. Why do we have to work?"

"First of all, we're not on vacation, we're here on personal matters. There's a difference," Jason said. "Second of all, the shops here charge a lot of money for their merchandise and it would probably be a good idea to have some extra money in case someone tries to rip us off. And trust me, they will."

"What's the job?" Osias asked.

Jason pulled a tablet from his backpack and pulled up a file. "There's some party in the city that's going to be thrown by the Mayor at his mansion," he said. "Our job is to infiltrate the mansion and assassinate him."

"Ooh, my favorite kind of mission!" Ella cheered excitedly.

"Anyways, the mission isn't for a few days, so we can spend some time to stock up on supplies and gear for the mission," he said. "Just make sure that you know where the hotel is because last time we had to go looking for Ella and I really don't want to have to go through that again. Especially not in a city this big that's full of tourists and other people."

"Relax," Synn assured him. "We know where our hotel is."

"Good," Jason said, putting away his tablet and standing up. "Then I'm gonna go. I need to get some stuff anyways."

Jason left the coffee shop and walked along the crowded sidewalk. He pulled out a map of the city and looked over the top tourist attractions. He saw one that he particularly found intriguing, a large skyscraper that just barely touched the clouds called Heaven's Tower.

When Jason had approached the doors to the tower, he walked inside and got into the elevator. He waited for the doors to open again and found himself standing on the top floor. The outer walls were basically large windows that looked down over the entire city. There were benches spaced out along the inner walls where some people were sitting.

Jason saw a group of kids that were on a field trip in the room. He walked past them and stood in front of one of the windows. He let out a quiet whistle as he looked down at how high he was.

"This is pretty high," he said. "No wonder they call this place Heaven's Tower."

"Isn't it amazing?!" a little girl asked.

Jason turned and saw a young girl standing next to him, one of the kids from the field trip. She was around ten and wore a bright pink dress over a yellow shirt with the sleeves rolled up to her elbows and she clung tightly to a stuffed raccoon in a suit with a string tie.

"It is," he admitted. "Cute toy, but aren't you a little old to be carrying that around.

The little girl looked at her raccoon and smiled. "Probably," she said joyfully. "But he's the last thing my parents gave me before they died."

"What's his name?" Jason asked.

"Ricky," she told him. "My name's Sara."

"Nice to meet you Sara," Jason said. "I can relate to you a bit. My parents are gone too. Not to mention that I haven't seen my brother in years."

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