Chapter 9

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"Are you sure this is the place?" Justin asked his brother as the two stood with Charon and Zeta in front of a small pine tree outside of Amext.

"Yeah," Jason said. "I used my cybernetics to scan the area for your friends and it says they're below us."

The cybernetics that Jason was referring to was something that had been implanted into his brain when the two were experimented on. It allowed him to think like a computer, which helped with building gadgets, and gave him various types of vision as well as giving him the ability to take control of most types of technology.

"Well, how do we get in?" Justin asked.

"Watch and learn. OPEN SESAME!" Jason shouted as he knelt down on the floor and put his hand on the ground. His eyes glowed blue as he began to take control of the technology that was keeping them out. It only took a matter of minutes before the ground began to lower and reveal elevator doors. "You're welcome."

Justin rolled his eyes as they all got into the elevator and pressed one of the buttons. "Going down," he said as the doors closed.

Jason suddenly smiled. "I have an idea," he said.

Down in the base, Lucas was busy working with his new pair of power gloves, having to make new ones after his old ones had blown up. He had been spending all summer giving upgrades and enhancements to them so that they would be better than the last pair. The lights began to flicker and suddenly shut off.

"What the hell?" Lucas said as he put his gloves on, feeling as though something was off. He pressed a button on his gloves and a holographic number pad came up. Entering in a code, the gloves began to light up in the palms like a flashlight and he made his way into the hallway, some of the lights on the ceiling flickering like something out of a horror film.

Lucas moved quietly and slowly through the hall as he moved into the large living room. He heard the sound of footsteps behind him and quickly spun around to see Sam and Marie were behind him.

"You know what's going on?" Sam asked.

Lucas shook his head. "I have no idea," he said. "It might be a blown fuse, but I feel like there's something wrong."

Kylan motioned for them to be quiet. "We're not alone," he said quietly. His armor appeared on his body and he drew his sword as he took the lead, barely making a sound as he moved. Since Lucas was unable to use magic himself and had to use the gloves to do it, he was in the middle with Sam following him.

Jason and Justin moved quietly throughout the room, not making a sound until Justin accidentally bumped into a small table with a vase on it. The vase shook on the table and would have shattered on the ground, but Justin quickly caught it.

"Be careful!" Jason whispered.

"I'm trying, but I'm not used to this kind of thing!" Justin whispered back as he put the case back carefully.

"It's not going to work if they find us!" Jason whispered.

"I'm aware of the plan!" Justin whispered.

The two were now arguing quietly, but stopped instantly when they heard the others. "What was that?" Lucas asked, having heard the shaking vase.

"I'm not sure," Sam said as they walked over to the direction of the sound.

Lucas shone the light at the table but no one was there. There was a muffled scream from behind them, causing Lucas and Kylan to turn around quickly to find that Sam was gone.

"Sam?!" Kylan called to her and waiting for a response only to hear nothing. "Sam?!"

Lucas looked at Kylan. "Okay, this is starting to scare me now," he said.

Kylan decided to keep calm. "Don't worry," he said. "Everything is going to be fine."

Kylan was calming Lucas down when something came out of the darkness and grabbed Lucas, dragging him into the darkness before both of them disappeared. Whatever grabbed him moved too fast for Kylan to make out.

"I know you're there!" Kylan shouted at the shadows, but unable to keep a little fear out of his voice. "Show yourself!"

Kylan heard growling in the darkness and saw a pair of eyes that slowly came closer to him. Although Kylan knew he could probably beat whatever it was coming towards him, something was preventing him from thinking clearly. He ended up running in the other direction, fear forcing its way into his mind from out of nowhere. He kept running, the creature behind him keeping right at his heels until he hit a dead end and got cornered by the creature.

Kylan turned around and saw the creature's glowing yellow eyes and snarling white fangs. The creature came closer towards him and Kylan could feel it's hot breath on his face, preparing to be eaten alive, when the lights turned on and he heard the sound of laughter.

Kylan opened his eyes to see a wolf similar to Alpha standing in front of him before backing up and revealing who was laughing. Kylan was shocked by who was laughing, besides Sam and Lucas, there was also a person that he had never expected to see again.

"You should've seen your face!" Justin said as he laughed.

Kylan stammered as he tried to figure out what to say to the friend he had thought of as deceased. "No way," was all he could say.

"Miss me?" Justin asked.

"You're supposed to be dead!" Kylan said.

"I can't trust you guys by yourselves. I mean really, I've only been dead for a few months and you can't even handle a little scare," Justin said. "Sorry about that by the way. In my defense, it wasn't my idea."

Sam and Lucas looked confused. "Wait, if this wasn't your idea, then whose idea was it?" Sam asked.

"That would be me," Jason said, making Sam and Lucas jump as he snuck up behind them. "The name's Jason O'Neal, twin brother of your friend Justin and currently working as a mercenary. Although that job is only until I can find who I'm looking for."

Kylan recognized Jason's voice. "You're one of the people that killed the mayor the other night," he said.

Jason scratched the back of his head. "Yeah, it's a messy job," he said. "Also, sorry about whatever I might've done when we fought. I kind of blacked out during the fight after you stabbed me."

Justin looked at Kylan. "You stabbed him?!" he asked.

"He broke several of my bones!" Kylan said.

Justin looked at Jason. "You broke Kylan's bones?" he asked.

Jason shrugged. "Like I said, I blacked out," he said.

"I still can't believe you got yourself stabbed," Zeta said.

"He took me by surprise!" Jason said. "Not my fault, Zeta."

"Zeta?" Sam asked, looking at him. "Is that who you are?"

Zeta looked at Sam and did the best bow he could do. "That would be me," he said. "Nice to meet you."

Kylan pulled Justin to the side. "You can't trust him, he's a killer," Kylan said.

Justin gave Kylan a small glare. "He's my brother," he said. "You don't know him like I do. Not to mention he's the only remaining family I have, besides Alpha. I've seen what he's done, I may not approve of his actions, but he doesn't kill unless it's in self defense or he loses control."

"Loses control?" Kylan asked. Justin was going to answer him, but he was interrupted by Lucas.

"So, does anyone care to explain what's going on here?" Lucas asked.

Justin looked at Lucas. "You're right," he said. "Get Porter here and I'll explain everything from the moment I died."

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