Late Night Drive

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(Note: The story is written in first person but it is still about the reader. Also, Alexis is technically an OC but not really. She's just someone added to the story to make it a little different.)

I sat back and watched in jealousy as Daryl and his girlfriend made googoo eyes at each other. No one knew it, but Daryl actually had feelings. But not for me. He was always sitting there with Alexis and actually smiling and laughing while avoiding everyone else. I wanted Daryl more than I've wanted anything in a while. He was one of the only things that brought me joy and hope in this world. And he could've been mine if we had never have taken in Alexis.

At least I had the scenery that the farm provided to make me feel a little better. But it still sucked to see everyone in a relationship. Lori and Rick, Daryl and Alexsis, Maggie and Glenn, and even Shane and Andrea had a thing going on. And yet I was alone.

I wanted him to just hold me at least. Not even have sex with me, though that would be nice too. The thought of Daryl whispering sweet nothings into my ear made me tremble. I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned around to see Maggie. "Hey sweetheart? What ya' thinking about?" Maggie asked as she sat down beside me.

"As if you don't know," I laughed. She rolled her eyes.

"You've got to get over him. He's not even that cute. C'mon let's go inside, it's getting dark," Maggie said. Maggie was right. I needed to get over him. He's never going to actually be mine. I walked inside wit Maggie and headed up stairs in a spare room the had. I flopped onto the bed and drifted into sleep.

The sound of stomping up the stairs startled me. I grabbed my blade from under my pillow and held it at the ready. The doorknob twisted quickly and I was ready to attack anything that might be behind that door. He burst in quickly and slammed the door behind him. "Put that away! You trying to kill me?!" Daryl screamed as I waved my knife around like a mad man.

"Sorry! You know you can't just do that to people nowadays," I stated as I slipped my knife safely underneath my pillow.

"My bad....I'm just really upset," Daryl sighed. He slid down the door and sat there for a couple of minutes

"Why are you upset?" I asked, breaking the silence.

"Alexis says she's in love with someone else. And I thought I could actually have something real, ya' know," he clarified. I've never seen him like this. He's usually chin up, broad shoulders, and mass muscle. Now he just looks sad.

"Yeah, I know." I really didn't though. Daryl is... was? Is probably with Alexis. And he my love. But he loved someone else so I didn't know if I could have anything real.

"I just need to get away from here," he said, standing up. That really caught my attention.

"Wait! What? You're leaving?!" I said worriedly.

"Keep your voice down," he yelled but whispered at me.

"Sorry," I said, rubbing the back of my neck. "Please don't go," I whispered.

"I can't stay here," he said.

"Then let me come with you," I suggested. The very little light coming from the stars outside my window lit up my eyes.

"You know I can't take you. You belong here. This is your family," he said as he grabbed my shoulders.

"This is not my family. My family is dead. I love everyone...well, almost everyone here. But overall they're just temporary," I explained. "Please take me with you, Daryl," I pleaded. He stared into my eyes. The ones glowing with stars. He gave me a quick look up and down and sighed.

"Grab your shit. We're leaving now. And make as little noise as possible," Daryl said as he let go of my shoulders. I hugged him on impulse. He didn't hug back so I quickly let go.

"Sorry," I blushed.

"It's fine," he said, patting my back. "Just get ready and meet me by my bike outside," and with that he left the room. I couldn't believe what was happening. I grabbed my bag and some other necessities. I got my knife and put it on the strap on my leg. I also grabbed my pistol and put my M16 on my back and crept carefully out of my room.

I shut the door behind be and crept down the stairs. I walked slowly past Rick and the other as they layed down on the living room floor, sleeping. I walked out of the front door and shut it. I jumped down the porch stairs because I knew they creeked. I was out, home free.

I ran to Daryl's tent and saw him with a bag. He three the bag on the back of the bike and looked towards me. "You still sure ya' wanna do this? This ain't a fairytale, okay, this is real," he stated seriously.

"I'm positive," I said proudly. I'm not turning back now. Daryl grunted.

"C'mon, (Y/N)" said as he began to push the bike.

"Why are you pushing it?" I asked.

"We're too close to to camp and I definitely don't wanna wake everyone up," he said gruffly. 'That makes sense,' I thought. Daryl's a lot smarter than people give him credit for. "We're gonna ride the bike for a while until we find a truck. We'll keep the bike in the back. And if we find a big enough truck, hopefully we can camp out in there until we find an actual place to stop," Daryl explained. He had really put a lot if thought into this.

"Okay. Sounds like a plan," I said giddily. I was happy it was just gonna be me and Daryl. No one could stop us.

Once we got far enough from the camp, according to Daryl, we hopped on his bike and drove of into the night. My arms were wrapped firmly around his torso. The wind blew my hair wildly. And that was how all this began.

(Note: I'm writing this depending on how well the story does. Hopefully it does well because I really enjoy the plot I have and hopefully you do too. Leave any comments or feedback and I will try my best to make the story enjoyable for all of us. Thanks for reading)

The characters is this story do not belong to me besides Alexis. I do not own you either. I just own the plot and my OC.

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