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(HELLO MY FRIENDS! So this chapter is a little bit darker. There was an implied suicide attempt but I don't think it should be too bad. If you are, in fact, sensitive to that kinda stuff I suggest not reading this chapter. SORRY!But If you're cool with all that shiz then go ahead and hopefully enjoy this chapter)

The trip back was long for sure. We were away for three days though. We were still on the road but it was peaceful so I didn't mind. Daryl wouldn't let me drive even though he was super tired. I decided that it would be best to lighten up everything with some music. Little did Daryl know that I had a couple CD's that I couldn't live without. Daryl looked to me as I reached into my bag and pulled out a CD. "What ya' got?" He asked, quickly averting his eyes back to the road.

"One of the best things in the fucking world," I said smiling brightly. Thank God car radios still worked. I slipped the CD into the slot and skipped to my favorite track. It was 'Lost It All' by Black Veil Brides. I wanted to sing along but I felt uncomfortable with Daryl right there.

"What the fuck is this shit?!" Daryl yelled as he quickly hit the button and stopped the song. I pouted.

"What? Why'd you stop it?" I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Emo kids are cringe-y." Daryl chuckled. Though I didn't feel the same way, I chuckled too. It's moments like this that I thrive to have to have with Daryl. We looked into each others eyes and smiled. Daryl laughed again and placed his hand on my knee. It was a simple gesture but my face still heated up. That's the thing about when I'm with Daryl, everything he does is enough to make my stomach fill with the flutter of butterfly wings. That's the thing about about when you're are with anyone you love. I am in love with Daryl. Holy shit, I'm in love with Daryl. My mom would roll over in her grave at the thought of me dating someone like him. "You okay?" Daryl asked.

"Oh, yeah. I'm fine," I smiled. Daryl slipped his hand off of my knee. I was so caught up in my thoughts that I couldn't even revel in the moment. I was looking outside of the window and the scenery was looking quite familiar. We were getting close to the farm. I was excited to see Maggie and Glenn again but I don't think I could face Alexis. And from the looks of it, neither could Daryl. He pulled the car to a halt. He looked nervous and tired. He just looked like a mess overall. "Are you okay?"

"Just a lil' worried," he explained. But that answer alone wouldn't satisfy me. Something was eating at him and I have a feeling it had something to do with Alexis.

"Daryl, seriously tell me what's up."

"Alexis." Go figure. "I still really like her, ya' know." No. "And I wanted to make it up to her but I was so clouded with anger that I ran away with you. I just feel like I ran away with the wrong girl." At that sentence alone, I felt like punching Daryl. What does he mean wrong girl ? How could he say something so heartless. Did he honestly feel nothing? I could't stand this feeling. I reached into my bag and pulled out a granola bar and vigorously began to unwrap and eat it.

Daryl looked at me like I was insane. In his defense, I was devouring it like a ravenous dog. I didn't care in the slightest though. I needed something, anything to take this feeling of being empty away. "(Y/N)? I didn't mean it like that. I just mean that I had something special with Alexis," He tried to explain. He was not helping at all. I looked out the window, not letting my pain show. Sounds like the old days. I'm just missing some headphones, a phone, and bus full of people I hate.

"Daryl, just drive," I said shakily. I swallowed hard and tried to focus on the trees. The truck began moving once again. I found my self drifting into sleep with the silence. No dreams. I sat in darkness for hours. I think it's time I let go. I give up...on everything.

A Ride For the Better (Daryl X Reader) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora