Could You Not

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(Note: So sorry I had to keep republishing this because Wattpad kept fucking up the story. Paragraphs and phrases were being unintentionally repeated. So once again, sorry.)

Daryl was fucking disgusting. I mean it. He just picks up anything and touches it...or eats it. And he also thought he was oh so funny when he picked up a dead rat and started dangling it over my face. I literally wanted to cry, it was so nasty. But other than the weird and disgusting habits and the loud obnoxious snoring, Daryl was surprisingly easy to live with. We had arguments of course but over all, we laughed a lot. He did sometimes talk about how he missed Alexis, but she was still a tramp.

I couldn't agree more.

Daryl and I had grown close in the last three days on the road together. We had found a house a ways back and took what we could grab. We didn't know where we were headed but we were going there anyway. The sound of Daryl's bike jumping around in the back of the black pick up truck we found was, in a way, reassuring. It reminded me that I wasn't alone because I knew Daryl wouldn't leave without his bike.

The truck pulled to a stop on the side of an emty road. "Why'd you stop?" I asked as I looked to Daryl.

"'Cause I wanted to do this," Daryl said as he leaned over and kissed me. "(Y/N)," Daryl moaned onto my lips. "(Y/N)...(Y/N)..."

"(Y/N)!? WAKE UP!" Daryl shouted practically in my ear.

"AHHH!" I shouted as I bolted up right in my seat. "DARYL! WHAT THE ACTUAL FLYING FUCK?!" I shreiked as I hyperventilated.

"You were fidgeting a lot in your sleep. I thought you were having a nightmare," he explained. I was relieved. I thought we were getting attacked or something.

"Oh shit. I was so scared," I stated, slapping my hand over my heart. "But seriously, why are we stopped?" I asked.

"I think there's some houses a couple miles up the road. We'll walk the rest of the way. Salvage what we can and head back," he explained. I unbuckled my seatbelt and was getting ready to hop out the car. "Why do wear a seatbelt?" Daryl questioned.

"Safety?" I said back with the same questioning tone.

"You honestly think I'm going to crash on an empty road?" He said questioningly.

"I guess it's just a habit. And knowing you, you'd find a way to crash," and with that, I jumped out of the car and Daryl did the same. He headed to the back of the truck and got out his crossbow and quiver. I already had my M16 and my pistol.

We began treaded the long, deserted road in silence. "So...what's up," I asked, trying to break the tension.

"Small talk? I think we're lil bit past that don't ya' think?" Daryl says. He was right. We had gotten past all the awkward small talk. His favorite color is green, he's never left Georgia until recently, and Merl was his only sibling.

"True. So, then are there any questions you haven't asked that you wanted to?" I say, trying to get him to actually speak.

"Um...are you a virgin?" He asks, hitting my shoulder playfully.


"Really?!" Daryl asked. He seemed shocked.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I put my hands on my hips and stopped dead in my tracks. Was he saying I couldn't get guys? Was I too innocent? What the fuck?

"Nothing. You just seem-"


"I just couldn't see you having sex!" He blurted out. Little did he know about the almost sex dream I had about him. And little did I know it's not that he didn't see me having sex, its that he didn't see me having sex with anyone else.

"Well I have had sex before. And I already know you have," I stated confidently.

"Whatever," and with that, we continued down the path.

* * *

After and hour or so of walking, me and Daryl finally came upon a small town. There were stores everywhere but most of them were empty. "I'll go over there," Daryl pointed to a store called Minnie's Mart. I thought the name was clever.

"I'll be in here," I said as I pointed the store across from Daryl's. I walked into the small drug mart and pulled out my satchel. There wasn't really anything of value in here. But, on the top shelf, I saw a can of blue hair dye and got the most brilliant idea. I quickly snatched it up and put in my bag. I grabbed a few other things like some pain killers and antibiotics. I ran out of the store to meet up with Daryl.

After we searched all the stores we headed back to the truck.

* * *

Once we got back to the car it was dark outside. Daryl said it'd be best if we just slept in the car that night.

It had to be around three am and Daryl was sound asleep. But I, on the other hand, had other plans. I reached into my bag and pulled out the hair dye. Luckily, Daryl was laying on his stomach and snoring. I shook the can vigorously and began to get to work. I think Daryl's gonna be so pissed when he wakes up.

He was.

"DUDE?! WHY?! WHEN?! HOW?!" Daryl yelled angrily.

"It- it looks g-good," I said, trying to hold back my laughter. It was too good. Daryl's hair was now a dark shade of blue. Though it was dark, it was definitely noticeable.

"SHUT UP!" He yelled. That made me break out in hysterics. I couldn't take him seriously. He looked like a fucking overgrown blueberry.

"OH MY GOD! THIS IS TOO MUCH!" I said in a fit of laughter. I wish the whole group was her to see. Rick would've died. And so would Maggie and Glenn...and Beth...and Dale. I missed them. My laughter had suddenly died down. My face was contorting into a sad frown.

"(Y/N)? What's wrong? Sorry for yellin'. I didn't mean to hurt your feelin's or nothin'," Daryl said apologetically.

"It's not you. I just kinda miss the group," I said. I slid down the side of the truck and Daryl slid down next to me.

"Me too. I think our little detour has gone on long enough. You wanna head back?" He asked, resting a hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah. Let's go." And without a second thought, me and Daryl were in the car, heading back to the farm.

The characters in this story do not belong to me besides Alexis. I do not own you either. I just own the plot and my OC.

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