Let Love Live

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He said he loves me. I said I loved him too. Do I? I mean, I think I do. But I'm not sure. Once he said it I felt obligated to say it back. I'm pretty sure I love him though. Okay, I just need to calm down.

"Hey, (Y/N)," Daryl said suddenly. I accidentally jerked the car and breathed out a sigh of relief when I realized it was him. So much for calming down.

"Yeah?" I asked him.

"You okay? You seem like...all weird and shit," he said. I looked to him for a second to see him starring back, concerned. I sighed and nodded my head. I told him I was fine even though I still was a little conflicted. Oh my gosh, I need to shut up! The man I've been working to get for months just told me he loved me and I feel 'a liitle conflicted.' I need to get over myself because this is literally the dream.

"Yeah, I'm okay," I told him. My mind was currently put to ease after putting a little logic into it. Daryl loved me and that's great. I love him and that's great. We love each other which is like super great. I looked over to see Daryl leaning back in his seat just looking out the window. He looked peaceful which is hard to come around these days.

I tapped Daryl on the shoulder as we approached a small herd of walkers. I didn't really feel like getting out to kill them so we should wait them out. There's not that many. Plus they're already moving. Daryl curtly nodded his head and we both ducked down. I smiled at him and he did to me. Then he slowly started to frown.

"(Y/N)...What are you gonna do when I'm gone?" He asked. I thought about it. When he was gone? Chances are I'd die before he did.

"Hmm, I don't know," I responded. He looked unsatisfied with my answer.

"Promise me when I die you won't do anything stupid," he said. Well, more like demanded. Actually, I don't really know what I'd do. I know it'd hurt like fucking hell. In a time of grieving there's no telling what I'd do right then and there.

"I don't know if I can promise that, Daryl. I don't want to think about you dying," I told him truthfully. Even thinking about it made tears prick my eyes and made my heart sink. "I'll probably be gone before you anyway," I mumbled under my breath. Obviously not well enough because Daryl still heard me over the herd walking by and he looked shocked she slightly angry.

"No. No, don't say that. I wouldn't let you die. Not before me," he said, shaking his head. Well, I guess it's not fair to either of us to die before the other. Someone would have to get hurt unless we died simultaneously with each other.

"You're stronger than I am. You'll make it farther. And if I'm ever in a situation with you where it's either me or both of us, please, save yourself," I asked of him.

"What? No!" He whisper yelled. "You're literally my first priority," he said a bit softer that time. Now, I'm not one for the mushy gushy stuff but that was really sweet and made me smile.

"And you're mine," I told him. He smiled gently and the looked away. Sometimes he acts as if it's wrong to find happiness in the small things. I know he has to be strong and some hard ass around everyone but he should smile more. "You gotta stop doing that," I told him.

"Doing what?" He asked, unsure of what I was referring to.

"Smiling and then acting all guilty about smiling. I like your smile. And your smile makes me smile. So smile more for our sake," I chuckled. He smiled bashfully at me and a light pink tint stung his cheeks. I smiled brightly at him and he just rolled his eyes, smirking.

"C'mon, I think the herd's passed," Daryl said getting up into his seat. I already knew the herd had passed but I looked the moment we were sharing and I wanted to relish it. Like I said, find happiness in the small things.

I sighed and got back into my dear, started the car, and starting driving. I figured my car; my rules, so I turned on the radio and put a CD in. Black Veil Brides of course, just to spite Daryl. Daryl, surprisingly, didn't protest. I glanced over to him and saw him quietly mumbling the words to the song.

I grinned widely and looked at him. "You like BVB don't you, Daryl?" I laughed, mocking an old Spongebob episode. Daryl instantly stopped singing and glared at me.

"No I don't," he said firmly. I rolled my eyes at his stubbornness.

"Well, you most definitely were just singing the lyrics to the song correctly but...okay," I said still chuckling. He said they were "cringe-y."

"Shut up!" He laughed. "I gave it a try cause you liked it... they're not that bad..." Daryl said, whispering that last part under his breath. I kept laughing because he obviously liked them but his ego was getting in the way.

"I believe the word you're looking for is amazing," I said. He shrugged his shoulders and sat and listened to the music, occasionally singing along. This was great. I loved that I could just be myself around Daryl and he would be himself as well. I'm glad I had someone to finally love me. I feel like I can breathe again.

Before, I just felt either pain or numbness. And I never want to feel that way again. Surprisingly, the pain was not the hard one to deal with. Feeling numb feels like...well nothing at all, actually. The worst feeling in the world, ironically, is not feeling anything at all. If you can't feel, you might as well be dead. And I thought that's what I wanted. But I've realized that I'm tired of just breathing. I'm tired of barely surviving. I want to be alive. I want to live.

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