After The Concert, The Meet And Greet

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When the concert was over and I worried that I almost gotten caught, when I didn’t, we went to the meet and greet. The strategy was for all the girls to flirt with the one she liked. Well I didn’t like my boys like that kinda nasty. But I chose it was hard it was between Tom and Georg. So I decided for Tom the one who’s kinda the man whore. No, I know my boys and Tom has always been the little man whore ever since we were little. [[The girls don’t know this but I actually like Georg.]] Sky chose Bill and Cody chose Gustav. I know both of them like Gustav, so I’m going to have a little talk with him.

We were lucky because this was the last show the boys were going to play thing tour. And I’m one to keep them around.

When me and the girls got to the session, we began our little exhibition as soon as we arrived to the session. I had the whole flirty act down; they still thought my name was Carrie. When we got there as I imagined the boys were doing the same thing as we were younger, lazing around eating nothing but a load of crap and talking about girls. I got them when they thought girls were gross but as soon as they got into their teens not so much girls are gross but more like hot.

So I walked in with my flirty eyes and walk. The girls are locked and loaded with their giggling and flirty eyes. I was in the middle and my hair was drifting with the wind. The boys all stopped what they were doing and looked at us, with wide eyes and smiles, well Tom was the only one with a smile and with the dirty mind of his I know what he’s thinking and I don’t want to say what it is. Me and my girls stood in the middle of the room and the boys scrambled to where we were.

“Hi boys, your meet and greet is here.” I said with a smile on my face and my eyes fluttering. They just looked at us. Then the twins said. “Well aren’t you guys going to ‘greet’ us?” They stood in front of us and they all said hi. I already knew the plan was working. Cody walked around the boys and sat where Gustav was sitting and Sky did the same but with Bill’s chair. The boys eyes followed them like lost dogs, so I took the chance and ran to the couch and put my legs on the sofa.

Georg was the only one who noticed I moved to his spot and he said. “Excuse me but I was sitting there.” I let out a little flirty laugh and told him. “Oh, I’m sorry I didn’t see your name on the chair so I just thought I would sit down. But nice way to treat a lady.” Tom looked at me and Georg and said. “Georg that’s not how you treat a lady, you treat her with integrity, persistence and care.” With that diss Georg looked at me with a red face. Then I told him. “It’s okay Georgie Boy isn’t it?” {I used to call him that, when we were younger.} He didn’t seem to notice I called him that nickname, probably thought I got it from the internet, but how can I when I gave it to him. He told me ya after that question.

After that I had Tom eating in the palm of my hand. Believing every stupid little lie. I guess I was a good actor. Beat that Tom!

Tom was standing and I went up to him, I was going to tell him something in his ear in a whisper. I said to him. “I can’t believe you guys forgot about me.” He looked at me and said what. Then I said. “Guys it’s me, Joe. Your long lost friend form Germany. I can’t believe you guys forgot about me.” I grabbed my purse and started to walk away. When Bill said. “Joe, Joe Schulz is that really you?”

“Duh! It’s me I can’t believe you guys forgot about me. About the things we used to do when we were younger. Your ‘band practices’, your lame jokes, and cheesy grins when a girl would walk by, how can I forget that I’m forever scarred by how Georg looked at them. Just thinking about it gives me the hieby bajebies.” I said. The boys then ran toward me and gave me a big group hug and started screaming at me at how I wouldn’t tell them where I was moving and never keeping in touch blah, blah, blah. Then I yelled. “CAN WE PLEASE GET ON WITH OUR LIVES?! It was the past and it’s not like you guys were going to keep in touch with me. And I seriously can’t believe you thought my name was Carrie Bill.” He started saying that it wasn’t his fault. When it totally was, I mean come on I know I’ve changed but not that much at least.

“Oh, by the way guys you are so going to my house to visit my mom, she really misses you guys.” I said. “No this is not a question that is a demand. It’s the least you can do after you know forgetting me. I’m never letting this go; it’s going to forever haunt you guys. Especially you Georg, I thought at least you will remember me but no you had to be a total noob and not remember me. I thought you said you would miss me like crazy or that’s what you said before you guys left before your big first tour. Who was there for all of you? Me. Who stood in every crowd cheering you guys on back home? Me.”

“Joe!” Georg said but I cut him off while still ranting. “JOE FOR CRYING OUT LOUD. SHUT UP! Ask everyone I missed you more than everyone here in this room right now. And I didn’t recognize you because you have changed into this beautiful woman, in those 10 years.”

“Joe,” Bill said. “We all missed you, the reason why we didn’t keep up. Is because between the recording, video making, writing songs and concert doing we couldn’t. We’re sorry can you forgive us? We’ll keep in touch the next time we’re in tour actually the next tour we have I want you to come with us.”

“Really?” I said. “Oh, and by the way the girls that you guys are completely ignoring because out little reunion are my new best friends, I guess you guy have to earn that spot again. Gustav come here I need to talk to you for a moment.” Gustav followed me to the furthest part of the room so no one can hear us. “Gustav my friends over there like you, like I mean LIKE you. I don’t think Sky likes you as much as Cody does, but if you like one or the other don’t lead the one you don’t lead on. I don’t want them to get hurt.”

“Joe you have my word not to hurt them, and plus I like Cody she seems like a really cool person to be with.” Gustav said.

“She is.” I told him. We walked back to the group it wasn’t long before everyone got back to their old habits. Then after we all got close again and started bonding my dad interrupted. Way to go dad!

The boys said to my dad that they'll take me home with the girls. So they can visit mom and dad, but also bond with me and how long it's been.

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