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Ok , ok i know I am a bad person, i've known that my whole life. but anywho the reason why i haven't uploaded was because i had to do homework and visit my other grandma in the hospital and my family (my dad) is dealing with legal issues. GO FIGURE the homework is to write a short story about anything.

ANYWAYS, i hope this update is long and not short for you guys.

My hands are searching for you

My arms are outstretched towards you

I feel you on my fingertips

My tongue dances behind my lips for you

This fire rising through my being

Burning I'm not used to seeing you

I'm alive, I'm alive

I can feel you all around me

Thickening the air I'm breathing

Holding on to what I'm feeling

Savoring this heart that's healing

My hands float up above me

And you whisper you love me

And I begin to fade

Into our secret place

The music makes me sway

The angels singing say we are alone with you

I am alone and they are too with you

I'm alive

I'm alive

I can feel you all around me

Thickening the air I'm breathing

Holding on to what I'm feeling

Savoring this heart that's healing

So I cry


The light is white


And I see you

I'm alive

I'm alive

I'm alive

And I can feel you all around me

Thickening the air I'm breathing

Holding on to what I'm feeling

Savoring this heart that's healing

Take my hand

I give it to you

Now you own me

All I am

You said you would never leave me

I believe you

I believe

I can feel you all around me

Thickening the air I'm breathing

Holding on to what I'm feeling

Savoring this heart that's healed


Voices In My Head: Joe, welcome. We are your angel family. Look up to the moon again to see us waving.

I looked up to the moon to see all the angels waving and looking down at me with loving eyes. I reached up to touch them and they reached down to touch me. They grabbed my arm but I didn’t feel them, like at all. They pulled me up to the moon, but it felt a surreal, not real at all. They all whispered at me at the same time.

Unfamiliar Voice: It’s Joe.

Another Unfamiliar Voice: Yes, young one it’s Joe.

Unfamiliar Husky Voice: Come hither Joe.

Did he command me? I don’t think he commanded me. I was about to ask if he commanded me, but my words faltered, I couldn’t say a thing. So I walked to I have no clue where, and saw a man with the husky voice talking to this woman, yes woman not a lady, that was pulchritudinous [puhl-kri-tood-n-uhs, -tyood-]. (A/N: I don’t know how to say that and I doubt some people can say that too, so I put the sound it out thingy.)

The woman tapped at the man and pointed to me. He turned around and they both smiled down at me.

Husky Voice Guy: Joe, my name is Gabriel and she is Ezekiel.

I look at both of them with wide eyes, these are THEE angels that were with ‘GOD’, or so we think.

Joe: Are you the angels that were with “GOD”.

I put the emphasis on god.

Gabriel: You can say that, but you do know there’s no such thing as a god.

Joe: Thank you someone who has me perspective on the god thing.

Ezekiel: You know you got that from your Angel side. Gabriel do you think we should tell her?

Gabriel: When it’s time we will tell her.

Joe: Tell me what?

The woman I think with the name Ezekiel looked at Gabriel with puppy dog eyes.

Gabriel: Fine! Azrael we’ll tell her.

Ezekiel: YAY!!!!

Joe: Huh?

Gabriel: Joe your name isn’t really Joe and Georg’s name isn’t really Georg his name Nathaniel the angel of fire. And you my sister your actual name is Hadraniel the angel of love. I know you have questions, a lot of them but in time you’ll have the answers.

I looked at Gabriel lost completely. Then I feel that light all around me again. I look at Ezekiel with pleading eyes to tell me what’s going on. But she looked at me with sad eyes with no answer. And that left me with the last question. WHAT THE HELL AM I?!

Then I felt arms around me. I looked back to see Georg well Nathaniel with a smile on his face. I looked at his wings and them I mine. I wanted to look up with a smile that would not falter but it faltered when I thought I would be more of an outcast that I already am. And then I heard Georg’s voice in my head.

Georg: (In my head) Joe don’t worry about what others think, you don’t need their opinions all you need is your own.

Then I really looked up at Georg with a wide smile, with his encouraging words.

We got back on the beach and I didn’t notice at all. But Georg stayed in his human form and that made me happier. And I kissed him with such passion and love. He kissed me back with as much or more passion and love. That night ended good, no not good as in we had sex, no I mean the night ended good more than good but anyways it ended good, with Georg and no one and with no inturruptions.

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