Distorted And Alone (Joe's POV)

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"Don't struggle Joe," Strange voice said. "That's not gonna get you anywhere.

As soon as the unknown taker said that, Georg burst from the tree line and made a sudden stop. Georg had that look, a questioning look; why is there a questioning look to his beautiful features?

"Dad, why are you doing this?" Georg said. "Leave her alone."

My breath hitched when Georg said it was his father. Panic started coursing through my body and veins, as soon as that self-knowledge kicked in. He was the one on the lake top, it was his voice that I heard. How did I not know this? Fred has this voice that you can recognize from a mile away. FUCK! Why would he want me? He's known me for basically all my life, Georg and I have been the closest after Gustav; of course. But I always was at his house, back in Germany. He would always ask me if I wanted to stay for dinner. What happened to the considerate man I once knew oh-so-well? Why did I have to become an angel? Why?!

"See son I can't do that," Fred said. "She's too valueable to let go."

As I look to Georg and his father, Fred gave Georg a very malovent looking glare to him.

"But dad you know what she is to me." Georg said. "Let her go, please; I beg of you."

"I can't do that." Fred replied. "I'm sorry son."

He can't do what? What does he want to do with me? Georg was running toward me and his father. And as he inched closer I just blinked and I was in another place. I was then hit in the head. Blacked out.


I woke up like I was a heap on the ground, like I didn't matter. I couldn't see. It was dark. Very dark and the only window shown was covered in muck and filth. It was dark outside. I don't know what day it is. If the day has changed. I don't know what time it is, for all I know it can be midnight. This is such a mess. I don't know how long I was out cold. By the feel of my aching limbs and nerves, well I can't go through with that sentence, because my limbs hurt even for sitting.

I heard the door slam open. I didn't even know there was a door. It was way too dark to see ; let alone a door. I saw a shadow, I just couldn't see a face. I didn't even recognized the silhouette. I didn't know if it was a male or female.

"H-he-hello." I stuttered.

No answer.

"Who are you?" I asked.

No answer, again.

"Hello! Who are you?" I asked persistently.

No answer yet again.

"God fucking damned it!" I yelled. "Who the fuck are you?"

"You don't know who I am?" A deep and raspy voice asked me.

I jumped as I asked him. "Who and what the fuck are you?"

"I'm..." The voice paused and said nothing more.

Anticipation rattled everywhere through my body. Anticipating with the deep raspy voice guy would put his cards on the metaphorical table, and tell me something. He's stalling, because he knows I would go King Kong on people. The shadow walked away from me to a wall. He turned on the single light source that we had, a lamp. My eyes burned when the lights turned on so abrupt. I groaned. The owner to the voice got the neck of the lamp that was hanging from the ceiling and pointed the bright light at me.

"Who are you?" I asked again.

"I..." Said the raspy voice. "I am your other half... I am your twin." he pointed the light to himself. I gasped.

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