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"Oh my gosh I am so sorry I am late." Lexie panicked. "I'm not usually, I had a hectic morning, not to make excuses."

"It's okay." Brandon, Blake Shelton's manager laughed. "No worries, we aren't in a rush." He had heard rumors going around about Lexie, he knew she needed some slack.

"Thank you." She smiled. "I'm Lexie Rounds." She introduced herself.

"Yes I know, one of the best song writers in the industry." He smiled. "Brandon." He introduced too. "Ready to do some writing with Blake? Y'all have met right?"

"No actually, this is the first time." She said while Brandon received a call.

"Uh, Blake's in there and I have to go. Call me if you need anything." He mumbled quickly as he answered his phone call.

Lexie grabbed her guitar case and walked into the room Brandon had directed her. She was stressed. Her husband was supposed to spend the day with their son, Logan, but he had left her hanging like he had been lately. She had to drop him off at her brother's house which was why she was late. As she opened the door, Blake was strumming on his guitar and humming a song. He looked up as he heard the door and smiled at the songwriter before him. He set his guitar down and stood about a whole foot taller than Lexie.

"Hi." He drawled. "Apparently were writing together today." He laughed.

"Yes. I'm sorry I'm late!" She apologized again.

"No." He shook his head. "It is fine." He noticed that she looked sleep deprived and stressed. Though looking tired, her beauty still radiated. "Great meeting you finally." He smiled at her. Her phone rang and she let out an irritated breath but tried to keep it in. She pulled it out, apologizing to Blake and he just nodded and half smiled. He saw her expression drop and he became worried oddly enough.

"Sorry I gotta take this." She answered the call that said Gavin, Blake read. "I'm working right now."

"How come you didn't tell me?!" The man on the other end said agitated. The phone was loud enough for Blake to hear him faintly.

"I did tell you." She rolled her eyes. "You're just so dru-" Lexie stopped, remembering Blake Shelton was next to her and having this conversation would be unprofessional. "We can talk about this when I get home, Gavin."

"No we're talking about it now! I come home and there isn't even any food here!" He yelled and Blake looked away from staring at Lexie's face when she looked up at him red cheeked.

"Gavin I cannot have this conversation with you right now."

"I know you damn well can! Why?! What're you doing?! Are you sleeping with another man?!" Blake could hear the anger in his voice.


"I knew I should've never married you. Come home now or else!" Blake heard him spat hotheadedly. Then he heard a click, Gavin had ended the call. Blake saw a tear fall from Lexie's face but she had wiped it almost immediately and simultaneously turned her back to him.

"I'm so sorry about that." She apologized again. Blake nodded, speechless."I have to go. My son isn't feeling that well and I need to pick him up from daycare." She lied, unaware that he heard the other end. Lexie ran out without speaking another word.

Brandon came in and smiled at Blake but noticed his demeanor.

"I was about to leave but you look a little off. Everything alright? Where's Lexie?"

"Oh, she had to go." Blake said blankly.

"What happened? Did she make a move on you?" Brandon joked, laughing. Blake's eyes sent daggers at him and he stopped immediately. Blake was never serious causing Brandon to be confused. "What?" He asked simply.

"I, uh, got to go." He noticed Lexie left her guitar. He picked it up and ran to the parking lot but he was too late. She was gone.

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