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Blake woke up early the next morning. He stared at the ceiling and thought about last night's event. He knew he would be lectured and chastised for bailing out on hosting the award show but for some reason, he didn't care as long as Lexie was okay. He didn't know why he cared for her so much but he knew he did. She was married, there was no way he could be feeling like this. He promised he would never put himself through a relationship again. He always let himself fall too far and he couldn't handle it anymore. He was pulled out of his thoughts when he smelled food. He threw on a T shirt and walked out of his room. He walked into his kitchen and saw Lexie in the clothes had had given her to sleep in while placing the food on three different plates. He looked at her up and down and he thought she looked so cute. He smiled at her but she turned around and he looked away.

"Morning." She grinned at him. "I hope you don't mind that I made breakfast, Logan was hungry."

"Oh no problem. Don't worry about it as long as ya made a little for me." He chuckled.

"Of course I did." She handed him a plate and he ate a piece of bacon. "Hope you like pancakes and bacon and eggs."

"I love that!!" Blake was excited. No one really cooked for him except when he went home to visit his parents and sister. He dug in and ate the whole plate in under ten minutes.

"Wow do they starve you around here or something?" Lexie laughed.

"Where's Logan?" Blake asked, worried.

"Relax. He's watching cartoons and eating. Is it okay that he's eating there?" She asked.

"Of course." Blake laughed. Blake's phone began to ring so he pulled it out and pressed the answer button. Lexie didn't want to look like she was trying to listen to his conversation so she joined her son in the living room.

"What's up?" He answered Brandon.

"Do not 'what's up' me!" Brandon said ticked. "Do you know how much shit you're in?! You're in more shit than you were with Ran! Blake! She's married. Do you know how bad this looks?! They got pictures of y'all holding hands last night." Brandon ranted. "What are you thinking man?!"

"Brandon." He exhaled. He looked to see if Lexie was around. "There's something about her. I don't know man. I like her. I couldn't see myself moving on especially after what Miranda did but when I look at this girl, B, she turns that around. Just please bear with me. I'll fix it."

"Okay." Even though Brandon was his manager, they were also very close friends. "I'll figure it out, Blake. Just please be more rational." He pleaded and hung up.

Blake walked into the living room where Lexie was cleaning up after Logan.

"I just called a taxi. We're going to go home." Lexie said.

"No. Lex-"

"We can't be a burden anymore."

"You're not. Look, can I talk to you in a room?" She followed him into his room. "I'm not letting you go back to that guy."

"He's my husband."

"That beats the crap out of you!" He yelled and she flinched. "I'm sorry. I just, I don't want you to get hurt anymore. No woman deserves this, you especially. I know I don't know you that well but it doesn't matter. I'm here to help."

"He's my husband. My parents don't believe in divorce."

"But do you?" He searched her eyes for an answer. "He's hurting you. No woman should ever be beaten by a man."

"I have to go home." Blake looked at her astonished. "I'm sorry."

"What about Logan?" He tried to change her mind. "You're just gunna bring him back there?! What if he hurts Logan? Huh?!" Blake was angry that she was even considering going back.

"I have to go back, I always do." She told him.

"What?!" Blake was raging. "He's done this before?! Lexie!" He was yelling and Logan had wondered towards the room to listen.

"Momma? Are you okay?" He asked quietly. Lexie swung the door open.

"Honey everything is okay. Me and Blake are just talking." She smiled at her son. "Go back to watching tv I'll be out soon." He looked up at her and trusted she was in good hands.

"Okay." He smiled. Lexie shut the door and wiped her teary eyes.

"Blake we don't know each other. I'm very thankful you helped me yesterday but frankly this has nothing to do with you. Me and Logan are going back." She said getting herself together. He realized there was no persuading her.

"Okay. But at least, just let me drop you off." He suggested. "Please." He exhaled. "If I don't drop you off, you're not leaving."

"Fine. Okay." She said. "Thank you for helping us." She told him and walked out of the door.

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