Alex In Wonderland

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Inspiration: The movie Alice in Wonderland by Tim Burton

Not the original Disney Alice in Wonderland from 1900 something. This Oneshot is mostly based loosely from the movie by Tim Burton (2010). Please DO NOT confuse it with the original Alice in Wonderland (animated). But the one made by Tim Burton is like, a really awesome movie you guys gotta watch it.

OH and quick note: This symbol here (--) means a narrator is speaking. If you see this (=) then that means that the narrator isn't talking anymore. I hate constant changing of third person to someone elses perspective and so on and so forth. Like, I'd rather have someone's perspective throughout the whole story instead of changing POV's so much. It's annoying. But anyways...

Enjoy. I've worked hard in this one :)

Oh yea, this is a hella long chapter.

I looked around in confusion. Where the hell am I? What was that stuff I drank? I legit just shrunk when I took a sip! And that cake... I hit my head with the tall ceiling. Does the cake make me a giant? This is freaky.

I looked around desperately, and ran towards the used-to-be tiny door. I dragged and held up my now loose dress across the floor and opened the door with the key from the table. I opened the door and stepped past the threshold.

The sight before me made me stare in awe. Should I barf? There were mysterious plants and trees surrounding me, and it was awfully familiar. I had a feeling of nausea, like I know this place.

"I told you this isn't the right Alex," a shrill voice said in a harsh whisper. I twirled around in a panic startled by the sudden voice.

"Who said that?" I asked.

"Of course it is, just look at her!" A male voice has said this time. I turned around again, twirling to try to see who's there.

"Show yourselves, seriously." I inquired. What if these people intended to hurt me?

Two people walked from the bushes, far from me. They were way bigger and taller than me, probably because of the stuff I drank which had made me way smaller. I took a step back, knowing how vulnerable I am with the size I am now.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"No, the question is who are you?" The girl who withheld black and green hair shot at me. By the look on her face, she wasn't really happy with me. The sour expression on her face and the bite of attitude in her voice really didn't make me feel any safer, either.

I looked closely to her face and realised her features. She isn't human, I know for sure. She had a few white short whiskers over her mouth area. Her nose was kinda pink, and it was formed a bit differently. Her iris and pupil was all black, a little bigger than someone's iris should be. Her 'ears' were a little rounder; furrier, even. Holy shit is she like part mouse?

"U-uhm..." I started to shake and tremble in my spot. Where am I? Have I completely gone insane?

"Oh, shush. Don't ask her that. You're Alex, right?" The man asked. I looked at him as well. His nose was kinda like the girls'. His nose twitched a little, and he had a few longer white whiskers.

These people are not human.

"Get away from me!" I yelled. I twirled and started to run.

"Wait!" The boy yelled.

"I told you! She's the wrong Alex." Those words that the girl spoke made me stop my attempt of escape. I turned to them, my eyebrows furrowed together in great confusion.

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