Im Not A Morning Person!!!

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I'm falling, down a well? No! It's to big to be a well, maybe.... A volcano? Nope. The walls were lined with drawers and knifes, last time I checked, volcanoes don't posses such things! I gasped, my stomach flipped as a sight hit me by surprise. Behind me in the reflection of a mirror (before I fell passed it) was a horde of floating...

...FAN GIRLS!!!!
This was a life or death situation, I had to act fast! Once I finally hit the floor- covered in moss, (who's ever in charge/ responsible for the cleaning within that facility, I'd like a word!) I ran, ha! Ran's a bit of an understatement, I HURLED myself to the nearest corridor. (This sounds like an awfully familiar book I've recently read!) on my way to the other end of the hallway I came across a white rabbit with a pocket watch. (OK! Who's dream have I stolen?!?!) I got to the end of the (forever going) passage without another breath in my body to get me to the door. I just had to wait for my antagonising doom. Suddenly I started to hear noises, voices? No! Ummm, ringing, aha! It was beeping. It seemed to be getting louder as the monstrous pack of mutated, ship hungry, FANGIRLS got closer. Louder and closer, louder and closer. I rattled my brain, trying to think of something I owned that beeped and then I remembered, my alarm clock!!!

I woke up in a pool of sweat, the moister had left a perfect body print in the sofa! I was a mess! I was heavily breathing as if I'd just won a wrestling match with Mike Tyson.
The smell of waffles filled the air and guided me into the kitchen on a bed of sugar. Andie was standing in her red and white poker dot dressing gown, cutting up strawberries for the waffles.
"I had the weirdest dream!" I started as Andie served up my first portion (I say first, you never have just one serving!) I finished my mouth full of AWESOMENESS and continued,
" well I was falling and-" suddenly I heard it, but how? What? It didn't make sense,
"Beep beep, beep beep." Andie lifted her golden brown locks out of the way of her 'face?' To reveal an alarm clock!
"Aaaaah!" I yelled as I woke up.
"Wow! That was messed up!" I turned to face Andie and, yep, you can guess what happened next!
Once again I'm harassed by alarm clock girl replacing my Andie!!!!
I woke up once again and I'm absolutely exhausted by this point! I drag my lifeless body out into the living room where I find Andie sitting on our velvet, plump couch. She has her hood up. I decide to take a different approach this time. I got her in a head lock and JHON CENAD her to the floor while ripping of her hood.
"Oooow!" She screamed as I back up a few steps to reveal a normal face!
Oh god! I screwed up big time!
"I'm soooooo sorry, like really sorry. You see I had this dream and there was a-" Andie gave me a huge hug and sat me down.
"It sounds like you need to chill out!"
She said, turning over to the news channel.
"Your right" I chuckled as I thought about how idiotic I had been.
"How silly of me to even think-"
"Beep beep beep beep"
There it was, that FRICKEN noise had a death wish! This time it had attached itself onto the poor, unfortunate news reporters face.
"Oh, f-"

Long story short, I mastered the art of telling the difference between a dream and real life and made it to work on time!

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