Round The Roundabout

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The dimly lit basement slowly came into focus as my eyelids joined the 1000 club (weight lifting talk).
The damp, nail infested oak wood planks lining the surrounding walls seemed to lean towards the garden sale, wooden chair I was fastened to, as if they were trying to listen in.
The cobblestone flooring was absolutely fabulous, I may have been enjoying myself a little to much but it was genuinely awesome. Thou it was freezing!
The squeaky, low key, vintage oil lamp centre to the room was swinging left to right. Something you'd find in a horror movie, if this was a thriller, I would have been dead already!
Or.. Or was I?
I did puzzle upon the subject before being, very rudely, interrupted.

Suddenly the dungeon based door creaked open, no more than 5 centre-metres.
"H-hello? Is someone there?" The voice seeping from the door could have been no one else's but a little girls.
"Hello?" She sounded scared.

Now, firstly I'd like to point out I could have used this to my advantage by scaring the living crap out off her!
But-but I didn't. She obviously didn't know I was 'placed' there.
So I addressed the situation with great maturity.

"Hello" see? Maturity!
"Wh-who are you?" She opened the door wider.
"I am-" I stopped, I could use her! I could take this as an opportunity. Younger minds are more gullible right? Right!
"I'm Santa Claus"
she threw her hand on her hip and I was knocked out by SASS ATTACK!!!
"Who are you?" She seemed more comfortable now- so an 'average' conversation began.

"My name-"
"Francis Nicholas Donald's, what in heavens name are you doing?!"
My sentence was rudely interrupted by a very religious sounding voice, however, I now know her name. Full name!

Beep beep beep beep beep.

"Wait a minu-"

I woke up in a cold sweat- the sheets soaked in what can only be known as sheer confusion.
"Jess, are- are you ok?" Andie laughed as she hoisted me upright.
"I-I-I-" it was all so confusing, what went in the real pile and the fake one?

"Take your time sleeping beauty!" Andie hopped out of bed and strolled to the kitchen.

I paced myself into the living room and sat myself down onto the sofa. Did that mean we didn't own a VW?
"Andie- do we have a VW?" I asked, knowing it sounded idiotic.
"No?..." She replied.

"Ah fuc-" (beep)

                         THE END

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