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I raced Andie back up to our apartment, barging her into all corners as I went by, vice versa.
I went to place my key into the rusty yellow 1960s lock when the door seemingly flew open.
"You locked it right?" Andie whispered, starting to shake.
' I-I did, I think? I'm not sure' I peered into the black abyss.
"Ok then, let's go!!!" Andie seemed completely oblivious to the fact that this was seriously creepy.

I heaved my bag out of our larder and flung it open among a pile of Andie's tops and my beanie hats.
I filled it up to the top with beanies then realised I didn't have much room left, so I settled for half a suitcase and packed the rest of my essentials.

I strolled my way into our kitchen, on the left was a huge double doored American fridge, on the right a full length of kitchen appliances leading to the cupboard at the end, and infront of were I was standing was a 4 by 3 foot window.

I started to pick out stuff that hadn't gone out of date from the fridge when out of the corner of my eye I noticed that Andie was stood in the doorway, her jaw was touching the floor and her eyes seemed to be super glued to me. She had terror stamped all across her face.
'What's up?' I was now beginning to get a bit nervous.
Andie didn't say anything, she just pressed her index finger against her lip.
I froze. It was then that I realised she was looking at the window, I didn't dare look behind me. I physically couldn't.

It felt like hours we were just standing there, thou it was really a matter of seconds. my grip on the tin of beans got tighter and tighter, it was all I could do.
"He's still watching" Was what I could make out of Andie's poor, long winded word mouthing as she pointed to the glass. The troubling thing was,
We were on level 3
  I caught the reflection of the window on the microwave, my heart dropped and so did the can of beans.
Two, deep red eyes peering into the kitchen accompanied by a creepy grin and hand prints on either side of the glass.

I closed my eyes and began planing on getting Andie to go buy an AK 47 when I suddenly heard something I really wasn't expecting...
'SLIP' "Ahhh!" 'CRASH'

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