chapter 2 - wanted

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I was carried to the nearest hospital and rushed to the emergency room. Shot in the shoulder by a hunter. He was mistaken and thought I was a fox because of the red cloak. He was stressed and crying because he didn't mean for any of this to happen.

I kept thinking about those bright blue eyes staring at me with sympathy or was it loneliness? It seemed like fear too. Fear that something bad happened to me. Whoever's eyes they were, whatever's eyes they were, they would forever haunt me.

I was knocked out by some fuming drugs and the doctors performed a surgery on my shoulder. The bullet must've been lodged in my shoulder because it hurt like hell as they pulled out each piece of silver debris in my shoulder. My Dad arrived soon after, his eyes welled up in tears.

Birthday surprise I guess, getting shot in the shoulder and all. After they had performs the surgery, removing all of the bullet's debris from my shoulder, and I was still unconscious, I woke up soon afterwards.

Laying in a bed of white sheets, I look over at my Dad, who was sleeping soundly in a tan chair next to the bed. I saw an old black and white movie playing on the screen above my Dad. My shoulder was sore and wrapped up in bandages.

"Hmm, you're awake." My Dad smiled stretching out his arms and legs. He moves over to me and sits my feet and smiles at me.

"Dad? Can we go see Grandma? I need to speak with her, now," I explained sitting up and wincing from the pain.

"Not yet. You need to rest, you did just get shot in the shoulder. On your birthday!" My Dad exclaimed. I laughed slightly even though it wasn't even close to funny.

"Okay." I replied laying back down.

"How was your first day at school?" My Dad asked turning his attention to the black and white movie on the TV. I sighed.

"I made some friends. Violet and Damien. Classes were kind of boring and I might be entering an art contest for my wolf drawings," I replied playing with a strand of my white hair.

"Really?" My Dad asked smiling at me. I laughed as a lady walked in.

"Hi. I'm Dr. Montana. You'll need to take these every 2 hours or so before your shoulder is completely healed. You'll head home tomorrow. For now, get some rest," The lady explained with a soft smile as she handed my Dad a case of pills. I smile before she walks out.

"Well,pumpkin. You rest. I'm gonna visit the vending machines downstairs. Want anything?" My Dad asked heading towards the door.

"A sweet tea is fine and maybe a candy bar," I replied as he nods and walks out. I was left alone for a while. But I started to get this weird sensation that someone was watching me. I glance out the window and see nothing but a weeping willow being rained on.

When I looked closer, I saw a shadow of something bigger than the average man. It was hard to make out but all I knew was at it was huge. Then it was gone. My Dad came back with the goods.

"You okay,Rose?" My Dad asked handing me the candy bar and sweet tea. I just nodded.

"Yeah it was nothing. I just thought I saw something," I replied sipping my sweet tea. My Dad just nodded and fell asleep in the chair. I finished the candy bar and placed my tea on the nightstand. And I began to fade into a deep sleep.


I woke up from the light of day shining through the small window behind my Dad. I yawn and sit up, taking two pain pills and taking a swig of my sweet tea from last night. My Dad stirs in his sleep and I laugh as he snores softly. I rip off the white sheets and stand up. My clothes were on the chair next to my Dad. They were washed and ironed.

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