chapter 5 - the enemy

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I was running through the forest with Wolf. But we weren't just running, we were running from someone. It was in the dark of night and my vision was fading in the darkness and I couldn't see. I suddenly feel a surge of pain in my leg. I tripped over a sharp rock and it cut open my leg.

"Wolf!!" I screamed and he looks back at me until he spots the pack of wolves behind me and frowns. He mouths a sorry and runs off into the night while I am left on the ground, weak and bleeding out.

"Wolf!!!" I screamed but he was already gone. My leg was stuck underneath the rock and I desperately tried to pull it out before the pack of wolves approached me. But I was stuck with no luck. The alpha male approached and growled at me, flashing his bloody canines at me.

"Where is that Wolf?" He growled holding me down to the ground with his flesh ripping claws.

"I don't know. He left me here injured and weak," I replied wincing at the sharp pain in my leg. The Wolf huffed with frustration before running forwards in the direction Wolf went. His pack remained and stared at me like was a delicious treat.

The Alpha nods at his pack and runs off with speed and grace. I look into the eyes of the Alpha female and I start to cry. I scream so loudly.

"Rose!!! Rose!!" Wolf yelled trying to wake me up from my horrible nightmare. My eyes blink open only to be met with the blue ones of Wolf's. My face was wet with tears and my throat hurt from screaming so hard. Wolf's face was filled with worry and concern.

"Nightmare?" Wolf asked holding me in his furry arms, his paws clenching around me. I nod and wipe my face with my fuzzy paws. I was still in wolf body with my red cloak wrapped around me.

"You left me injured and weak only to be eaten alive by a dangerous pack of wolves. You left me Wolf," I cried as he pulls me against his furry chest. It was sunrise and it was absolutely perfect.

The sky lit in gold and pink with purple clouds swirling about as a gentle breeze ruffled the blinding snow off the pines. Wolf wipes my tears with his paw and he lifts my chin towards his face.

"Rose,I would never leave you like that and you, of all people, should know that. Now, in your dream, did you see the Alpha male?" Wolf asked brushing my white hair back out of my furry face.

"Yeah. Well sort of, it was nighttime in my dream so I could only make out some features. He had black fur and incredible gold eyes. And I think a scar ran down through his eye." I explained to Wolf.

"Oh no. That's the Wolf Council, Headmaster Alpha. He's always agreed with my curse of being one of him but I'm not coldhearted like him. He wants to prevent you from breaking my curse. He treats me as if I'm an omega in his pack. A servant," Wolf explained narrowing his eyes at the sparkling snow.

I start to shiver a little, maybe the wolf fur wasn't enough for my tiny body. My canines start to chatter and I cross my arm trying to conserve what little body warmth I had left. A blizzard was coming.

"We must head back to the cave. A winter storm is coming and we need to be protected from it. And Headmaster Alpha," Wolf said literally reading my mind. He carries me in his big furry arms, holding me close as he trudges back to the cave. It was snowing harshly when we arrived back at the cave only to find a surprise inside.

Headmaster Alpha was sitting their with a mischievous grin on hi smug black furry face. He clicks his tongue and his pack appears behind us surrounding us in a circle. I shiver with fear and frost.

"Well,well,well. If it isn't the Big Bad Wolf of the forest!! And who might this be? A newblood?" Headmaster Alpha smirks walking towards Wolf. I look over at the black wolf and growl with anger.

"Ooh, feisty one, is she? Hmm, Rosalina White, Little Dead Riding Hood. Has a nice ring to it, don't you think?" Headmaster Alpha laughs nodding towards his pack as they crept closer, enclosing us. We were trapped.

His pack nods and laughs and Headmaster Alpha turns to face me. I was beyond scared straight and it was to cold for me to run away because my legs were frozen together.

"Get the girl," Headmaster Alpha growled as his pack pounced towards Wolf. But Wolf was too fast so they all ran into each other as Wolf ran through the blinding snow of the dark forest. It was just like my dream, but I knew Wolf wouldn't leave me. Or would he?

"Wolf?" I whispered weakly and he looks down at my freezing body and frost covered fur. He looks so sad.

"Yes, my darling?" He replies.

"You won't leave me, will you? Cause that's my worst nightmare," I asked reviewing the awful nightmare in my mind.

"Never. I can't lose yet another girl I love," Wolf responds smiling sweetly at me. I feel my cheeks warm up besides the frost clinging to my cheek's fur. He continued to fight through the storm as Headmaster Alpha's pack follows behind, determined to kill me.

Wolf trips on a fallen tree and I fling forward and hit my leg on a sharp rock, tearing my flesh as blood poured through my fur. I glancef at Wolf who stood up and lifted the rock off my injured leg and picks me up.

"I knew you wouldn't leave me," I thought in my head. I decided to use my night vision powers and be Wolf's eyes.

"Watch out! Thornbushes to your left!" I exclaimed as Wolf changed his route still surging forward. The pack was on our tail now and Wolf's legs couldn't bear anymore super speed.

"Give up!!" Headmaster Alpha growls from behind. I suddenly see a very steep and rocky cliff up ahead and I gasp.

"Wolf!! There's a cliff ahead. Be careful!" I yelled as Wolf stops at the edge of it. We hear growls from behind and Wolf doesn't hesitate to run back and jump to the other side of the cliff.

"Hold on,Rose!" Wolf screamed as we jumped forward in midair.

I close my eyes and it seemed like everything in time was in slow motion. I could hear the growls coming from the Headmaster's pack and the chilling air that bit at my nose as we collapsed on the other side of the cliff.

We barely made it, making it by a couple of inches or so. The pack remained on the other side of the cliff. They all growled and wiped their paws forward thinking it would help get across. But soon afterwards, they ran in the other direction, disappearing into the snowy forest.

Wolf sits up, sore from the running and jumping. He looks at me as my eyes flutter and my head spins. My leg was still bleeding out probably covered with frostbite. My vision begin to fade and I feel numb from the coldness. Wolf yells something but I couldn't make it out.

"I love you, Rose. Please don't leave me!!" Wolf cried as tears streamed down his snow covered fur.

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