A Tale as Old as Time

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Growing up, the story of the Goatman was one that I was all too familiar with...

His tale had long been ingrained into the land, traveling by word of mouth throughout the generations.

In fact, I had first heard of him from my grandfather after being scolded for staying out after dark.

A plague upon those who resided on the backroads of Maryland was what he was said to be, snatching up anyone who dared to be found by him and forever taking them away.

Either that or an illogical explanation to explain some of the local disappearances that have happened throughout the years.

To further add to the legend, the creature was alleged to be neither human nor goat, possessing glowing red eyes that penetrated all who came across him.

The thought of such a creature prowling late at night used to give me vivid nightmares... But I have since learned to overcome those childish fears.

After all, most urban legends turn out to be fabricated by crazy town locals for the sake of drawing in tourism.

Yet, little did I know that my thoughts on this would change all because of that one fateful night...

The Goatman of MarylandWhere stories live. Discover now