The Mindscape

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Ford Pines was sitting at his desk, studying a gnome in his house in the woods in Gravity Falls. Then all of a sudden his eyelids got heavy and he soon found himself asleep. "Agh, it's this place again. Why do I keep appearing here?", he said to himself as he wandered his own mindscape. And just as he was wondering where his friend was, a yellow triangular figure appeared out of nowhere. "Hi there Sixer!", Bill Cipher said. Ford looked behind him and looked at this yellow demon. "Well hello there Bill! Right on time I see.", Ford replied to him. Ford looked into Bill's eye, then wondered if he had a human form. "Pardon me Bill, but do you have a human form?", Ford asked him. Bill chuckled for a few minutes, then it progressed into a maniacal laughter. He then calmed down, and said, "Ah, yes I have a human form. Why do you ask?" Ford started blushing profusely and turned away. He then turned to Bill and asked him what it looked like. Bill and Ford looked into each other's eyes for what seemed to be forever. Then Bill started to shine very brightly. Ford had to look away and shield his eyes, for the light was extremely bright. Bill then finished his process of turning into a human and tapped Ford's shoulder. Ford turned around and was absolutely astonished at the sight. Ford had never seen something so majestic and beautiful in his life. Ford grabbed Bill's shoulder, and Bill shuddered, not used to the feeling of contact with other humans. Ford felt Bill shudder, and then reassured him that it was going to be okay. Bill was the one blushing this time and Ford smiled at him, trying to drop the hint that he had some feelings for him. Bill thanked Ford for helping him achieve this form. Ford was confused, he thought Bill could always change into a human if he wants to. So Ford asked Bill why he thanked him. Bill said, "Because the only way I could have become human was by true loves assistance. And you provided me with that." Ford's face looked extremely red now. Ford grabbed Bill and brought him in for a passionate hug. Ford felt his body pressed up against Bill's, and he enjoyed every part of it. Bill was startled at first, but he embraced the feeling of warmth and comfort. Then Bill grabbed Ford's face with both of his hands and looked deep into his deep brown eyes. Then he said how Ford looks better with his glasses off and takes his glasses. Ford tried to keep him from taking his glasses, but Bill took them when he was least expecting it. They played around with his glasses for a few moments more, then Ford got wore out. Ford found a tree and leaned up against the trunk of it. Then Bill floated over and sat next to him, letting his head drop onto Ford's shoulder.

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