The Helper

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When Ford heard the pounding on the wooden door of his, he expected to see Fiddleford happy and smiling. Ford knew he could be wrong sometimes, but his answer this time was completely wrong from his guess. Ford ran a comb through his hair quickly so it didn't look like he slept for an entire day. Then he started to change his clothes, but only got to his pants when he realized that McGucket was still waiting outside. I think I can skip the shirt. It's not that important and it doesn't smell awful. Oh well. Ford then opened the door and smiled widely, waiting for Fiddleford to say something like "hi" or "good afternoon". He just walked past Ford though amd mumbled "Howdy". Jeez, what a happy camper he is, Ford thought this to himself when Ford trailed behind him, too lost for words at his sudden aggressiveness. "Fiddleford, are you alright pal?" Ford asked, raising his eyebrow in concern. "No, I'm alright. Just so very tired indeed." He replied to Ford. Ford didn't think anything of it, and continued onwards to the basement. When they got there, Fiddleford asked Ford if he could put his head down for a moment or two. Ford let him, and Fiddleford closed his eyes. Ford thought that he was going to stay asleep for about twenty minutes. What he didn't expect was for Fiddleford to be asleep for three hours. Man, he must be very tired. He probably stayed up making computers, Ford was thinking to himself as he looked at the blueprints for the portal. He started to suspect something though when Fiddleford started murmuring and whimpering in his sleep. Ford walked over to him cautiously, when all of a sudden, he started screaming and yelling. His eyes shot open as he tackled Ford, pinning him down to the ground. Ford realized what was going on, then flipped them both to where Ford was on top. When Ford got on top, he started shaking Fiddleford. Fiddleford snapped out of his trance-like state, then looked up at Ford. They seemed to stay like this forever. Fiddleford finally broke the silence when he said, "You know who that monster is?"

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