Fordsy's Dream

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Ford didn't feel happy about working today to begin with. His... friend... Fiddleford was acting strange, then when he thought it couldn't get any worse than it was before, Fiddleford brought up his twin brother, Stanley. When his name came out of Fiddleford's mouth, he immediately tuned in, just in case if he missed something important, like Stanley being alive, or getting a life. But when he started talking bad about him, he lost it. He still can't believe that he struck him with that much force though. You really didn't have to leave a red mark on his face though, Ford scolded himself as Fiddleford continued on. Each one of his words was cruel and hurtful, and it was his fault, wasn't it? Ford couldn't believe what he was hearing. He felt the tears sting his eyes as his face heated up with anger. But he also felt something else though. Was it guilt or dizziness? Ford tried walking backwards and stumbled a little. Definitely dizzy over here. But Ford didn't care. Ford could only barely feel it, because he could only barely feel anything. Fiddleford's words stung really badly, which Ford knew and felt (this was the only thing he could feel so intensely), but it only occured to him how bad it was until he succumbed into the darkness and collapsed onto the ground.


Black and white. Nice. He immediately was glad to be here instead of reality. He stood up, still a little unoriented from before. How am I still dizzy? I'm in my mindscape. Oh wait. I have to think I'm better in order to feel better. There we go, Ford thought as he stretched out a little. He wandered while looking for a friend of his to talk to. When he spotted the handsome being in the yellow suit, he knew he found him. Ford caught his attention, then waved to him. Bill waved back, then floated towards him. "So what's the word, Nerd Bird?", Bill asked in a playful tone. Ford sighed, then told him the events of the last day or two. He wasn't sure though, because he was working in the basement the whole time, and he didn't have a calendar handy with him. When Ford got to the part with him coming into the mindscape, Bill smiled, then put a small kiss on Ford's hair, then another one on his nose. Bill explained to Ford how Fiddleford fell asleep and he decided to give him a "little" scare. Then Bill said "I'm honestly glad you decided to join me again in the mindscape. It was getting tedious throwing a ball at the wall repeatedly. By the way, it's been quite a while since you've visited. How long has it been since you've slept?" Ford pondered the question, then replied with a simple, "I don't honestly know." Bill looked at him with concern, then an evil grin spread on his face. "Hey uh, I have an idea. What if you sit this one out, and I can control your meatsack for you!", an ecstatic look on his face. Ford asked him if he would be careful with it, and also reminded Bill that he'd be watching him. Bill then extended his arm, a blue flame emitting from his hand. Ford took his five-fingered hand into his six-fingered one, and they shook, officially binding the deal.

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