16: Pretty Face

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So many thoughts run through my mind at that statement that I cannot begin to comprehend them. Is that the same Darren I know? How does Louisa know him? How did he get here? And more importantly, why is he here? This can't be a coincidence, can it?

The figure breaks into a swift jog, only confirming Louisa's speculations. His dark red hair and face full of freckles are prominent as ever. He stops in front of us, panting with sweat on his brow.

"Lenore, Louisa." Darren breathes in heavily. "It's me. I'm back."

The girls both throw their arms around him with joy. Tears fall from the girl's eyes, and I can tell Darren is having trouble holding his back. I don't know what to do. I'm just standing here, frozen, rigid in my spot. The others don't even take notice of me, not even Lenore, who is usually so considerate.

There's a sick, twisted feeling in my stomach. I need to get away. I just need to get away and everything will be okay. After all this ground that I've already covered with these girls, I can't be with them anymore. I back away from the three slowly, until my feet touch the grass and I break into a run.

"Adrian!" Lenore calls after me.

"Where is she going?" I hear Louisa ask.

"Adrian? That's not Adrian. She's Cleo!"

I can hear the three's conversation erupt into utter chaos. I pick up pace, but I'm quickly running out of breath. I don't want to abandon the pack that Lenore gave me. Who knows what I could learn about Jax from it? But I know it's weighing me down.




And just like that, the pack disappears off of my back. I did not do that. I did not count to three, and I did not make that pack disappear. I mean, I did. But it wasn't my choice, it wasn't my decision. I run faster.

Jax is taking control again.

My bare feet are growing tired, and I can already feel the blisters forming on their soles. Nevertheless, I continue running, pushing myself to get as far away as possible. I can hear Lenore, Louisa, and Darren chasing after me while they argue with each other. I can't be near him, and now I can't be near the girls.

They don't know what they are doing, the girls. But Darren is fully aware, I'm sure of it. He can't break me though. I'll find Jax, and I'll destroy him so he doesn't create a universe that has to suffer from the power that's gotten to his head.

I need to keep running.

I'm getting tired, so tired. Thankfully, so are they. I can hear them getting farther and farther off. From what I can discern from their shouts, Lenore and Louisa want to just give up and leave me alone, but Darren isn't having it. He keeps pressing on.

Coming up on my right is a forest, lush and green. If I can disappear there, maybe I can shake them off. They would have a terrible time finding me with so much greenery, wouldn't they? One can only hope. I start to turn right, breathing heavier with every step.

I approach the forest, and whip my head around before slipping inside. The three are far off, but they're still running, so I continue to do so as well. The floor of the forest is full of sharp twigs and gooey mud that finds it's way between my toes. I have forgotten how much I hate that feeling.

I keep running until I'm physically unable to anymore. I sink down on the floor against the trunk of a thick and sturdy tree. I take in deep breaths, trying to slow my heart rate and calm my busy mind. The bark scratches my back through the dress' thin fabric. I don't even try to sort anything out just yet, for I know that I'm too bewildered to even try.

What feels like about twenty minutes pass, and I'm still alone in this serene setting. I think Darren has given up, but I can't be too sure. Even so, I don't have the willpower to move. My body wants to fall asleep. It's so worn out. But my mind won't let it. It jerks my body awake just as it slips into unconsciousness, keeping me alert.

I lean my head back against the trunk and look up at the leafy canopy. It looks artificial, in a way. Just like everything else here. I know either Jax or Darren created this, and I know that I'm not safe here. But I don't think I'm safe anywhere in the first place, so I just let myself rest.

I'm snapped out of my reverie when I feel something crawling up my legs. I look down, and I can't fathom what I'm seeing.

A vine, one that I didn't even notice before, is wrapping itself around me, binding my legs together. I quickly move to break it, to free myself, but it seems to have a mind of it's own. It lashes against me, slapping my hand away. Literally. The end of the vine reaches out and hits my hand.

I try wiggling my legs free, but the vines are too strong. Panic rises within me as my heartbeat gets faster and faster. The vine seems to be growing, wrapping itself all the way up my thighs. It begins to move to my stomach, and I can hardly breathe. I'm gasping for air now. My vision is becoming spotted, and I feel helpless. I can't move, and I can only think of one thing:

Are gods able to die?

I'm starting to sweat at the thought. I can't die, not now. Not when I need to save this universe from corruption before it even begins. It will be all my fault, if a whole new opportunity for life and serenity falls into chaos. I struggle against the vine, but my movements are constricted and it does no use.

Suddenly, Jax appears in front of me. His face is still blurred, like a man from a nightmare. I begin to scream, taking short breaths in between each cry for help. I can't die like this, utterly powerless, and at the hands of a man that I hate. But I know I can't make it.

Jax laughs, fully aware of the power that he holds in this very moment. "Oh Cleo," he says. "I know what's going on in your pretty little head. And that's all you are: pretty."

I don't even have the energy to fight back against his cruel words anymore. I can feel myself slipping away again. Even the world around me seems to be falling, falling, falling....

I hear the sound of footsteps. Are they Jax's? Are they mine? I can't distinguish between anything at all.

"Stop it!" someone shouts. Who is that? Whoever it is gets chastised by Jax. Then, Jax pushes the person down to the ground, leaving them helpless. I think.

How come I'm not dead yet?

I know I didn't want to think that. Jax is just putting words in my mind, making it easier for me to die. I have to get out of here. I have to resist, even without strength. I must fight back. But it's getting harder and harder to convince myself to do so.

Now I'm positive that I can't breathe. So how am I still here? Why am I not dead? Don't question it, I tell myself. Just be grateful that you have one more chance.

With my energy dwindling faster and faster, I try once again to break free of the vine, using every strategy that I can think up. I'm so exhausted, and the only thing that I haven't tried is using my powers. Knowing that they most likely won't work, I imagine myself freed from the vines that scratch against my skin.




To my surprise, it works. The vines begin to slowly uncurl, letting me breathe once again. Jax is still here, desperately trying to stop them, but for some reason, they aren't listening to him. Mustering up the last of my strength, I peel the vines off of me before Jax can do anything about it. Then, I stand and jump into a sprint, dashing off into the distance.

Maybe the fact that Jax reactivated my powers by using them is what's making them work again, but I don't have time to think about it. I just run, hoping that I can escape Jax and whoever he might have following me. I know I can't run for much longer. I feel like I may pass out at any given moment.

With every twist and turn of the forest there is something to run away from. More vines, sharp plants, and frightening noises just make me want to get out of here. Even with my determination, I feel myself starting to slow down. I'm breathing heavier than I ever have before, and I know I won't last much longer.

"You're nothing but a pretty face, Cleo."

Adrian (The Write Awards 2013)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora