Flour Shower

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Alright!I'm going to be the Bloody Author of this story!And you my friend is going to be

the jacked up reader!

Just kidding your going to be the Fierce Reader!!Let's just get start this Bloody Story!!!!!


Your POV

Jason,Percy,Leo,Piper,Annabeth,Travis,Connor,Katie,Clarisse,Nico,and Me decided to go

to Camp Jupiter for a month.To be honest,it was a lot of people.But we did fit in the Argo II!The last time I

visited Camp Jupiter was 5 months ago.After hours and hours we finally arrived at Camp Jupiter.

We climbed of the ship and walked to the doors of Camp Jupiter.

"Finally!"Percy yelled.He tripped and face-planted on the cement(Typical Percy)

"Percy!"Annabeth shrieked.I tried to help him up but he was too heavy.

"You ate too many blue pancakes!"I said(Again,typical Percy)Percy got up and brushed himself off.

"I only ate 10 pancakes for your information Y/N!"Percy sassed.He did not just sass me!

"Well,sorry!"I muttered."It's alright!"Percy clapped his hand on my back.A bit too hard if you ask me.

I stumbled."Let's go!"Percy and Leo yelled.We burst through the gates.

"Ahh!Greeks"A boy yelled.Suddenly flour showered on us.

"Styx"I mumbled.Annabeth,Piper,Katie,Savannah,Clarisse,and Claudia were groaning.

Travis,Connor,Leo,and Percy were grinning like idiots.And Jason,Nico,and Me were brushing off the flour

off our clothes.I saw a boy with blonde hair and a belt with stuffed animals hanging.

I knew who it was.........OCTAVIAN!!!!!

"SORRY!!"Frank and Hazel yelled running to our direction with wipes.They started wiping Jason's and Nico's


"Octavian,do you have something to say?"Frank asked.

"No"Octavian replied.

"Sorry for Octavian showering you guys with flour!"Hazel said.

Octavian got out a pack of wipes and walked to my direction.He took out a wipe and started cleaning my


"Sorry for the flour"Octavian said

"Are you really?"

"No"He smiled at me.

I rolled my eyes.He started wiping my arms.

"You need new clothes"Octavian said

"Ya think?!"I asked.

"You do,your clothes are covered with flour"He responded.

Does he know what's sarcasm?

"Alright you guys,let's get you new clothes!"Hazel announced.

Percy,Jason,Travis,Connor,Leo,and Nico followed Frank.And Piper,Annabeth,Claudia,Katie,Savannah,

and Clarisse followed Hazel.

"Come"Octavian gestures to me to follow.

I followed him into a building.He opened a wooden door and we entered the room.

Octavian throws me black short shorts.

"I'm not wearing these!"I threw the black short shorts at him.

'Why not?"He asked.

I flicked him in the forehead for being stupid.He glared at me.

"Their too short!"I 'pointed out'

"Are you sure?"Octavian asked.

I nodded.

"Try them on and let's see"He said.

"No!Just give me pants or something"I argued

"Fine"He muttered

He opened the closet and got out black leggings and a SPQR shirt.

"Put on the shirt and leggings"Octavian directed

"Okay"I said

I grabbed the shirt and leggings from his hands.I layed the clothes on the bed and turned to Octavian.

"What?"He asked

I rolled my eyes.

"Leave"I said

"Oh right!"Octavian blurted

He closed the door behind him

I laughed and started getting dressed

At least there's no flour on me!

Except the clothes I had on when Octavian showered us with flour

The leggings fit perfectly and the purple SPQR shirt reached my waist

I opened the door and saw Octavian blushing

He was waiting for me?

I already know where to go!

He knows that!

And why is he blushing?

"So,let's go to lunch!"I said excited

"Yeah!"Octavian said excitedly

He started walking and I followed him to lunch


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