Ah dur!!

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*5 years later*

You and Octavian got married,lived in Rome,had kids

You both were happy!

"Mommy,Dad murdered my teddy bear!!"Your child suddenly whined,running into the living room

C/n has h/c and blue eyes

"Octavian!"You yelled

"What?"He asked,walking into the living room

"Did you murder c/n teddy bear?"You asked

"Uh yeah!"

You laughed,ran to him,and kissed him on the lips

"AHHHH!!!!!!"C/n screamed,covering her/his eyes

Both you and Octavian cracked up

"Do you love me?"Octavian asked

"Ah dur!!"



This fanfiction is finished!

I'm sad and happy

I'm sad because the story is over!

And I'm happy because it ended happily!!


Are you sad or happy?

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