A Meeting About Y/N And Octavian

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Reyna's POV

"Come on Reyna!We need a meeting about this!"Piper yelled while pulling on my arm

I hold up my pointer finger

"We don't need a meeting about Y/N and Octavian"I said

"Yes we do!"Katie appeared next to Piper

"No we don't"I rolled my eyes


"No!"I shoved my pointer finger at Piper's face


"Shut it!!"I yelled

Piper shut her mouth and pouted

"Please?Just one meeting!"Katie begged,tugging on my arm

I sighed

"Uggh fine!Just don't get everybody involved"I walked away

"YAY!"Piper and Katie squealed

I rolled my eyes

Please,help me god!

Katie's POV

Me and Piper ran to some people and told them their was a meeting

"Percy!Their's a meeting,go tell Annabeth,Leo,Frank,Hazel,Nico,Jason,Will,Clarisse except Y/N or Octavian!"I

yelled at Percy while running past him

"Uh...Okay?"Percy gave me a confused look

I felt myself bumb into somebody

"What the fu-"

"You don't have to swear!"I looked up

Oh it's just Piper

I rolled my eyes playfully

"Oh really?Well then fu-"

Piper put her hand over my mouth

"Shh,Hazel,is not going to like it"She whispered

"She's not even here!"I protested

"You never know"Piper put her hand away from my mouth

"Whatever!Anyways let's get to the meeting"I brushed past Piper

"Oh right"Piper walked by my side

Percy's POV

I was walking peacefully until.....


"Ah shi-"

I felt an elbow jab at my ribs

"What the he-"

I felt a hand smack me across the face

I backed up and saw.....


"What the fu-"

Hazel glared

"I mean what the heck Hazel?"I asked

"You don't have to swear!"She yelled

I rolled my eyes

"Gods,you and your shi-"

Hazel kicked my shin

I fell to knees

"I was going to say schist!"I yelled

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