A talk with Katie

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S/N=Ship Name


Your POV

After me and Octavian helped Reyna,I tried to find Katie

Katie has been my friend since the first day of Camp

I found her planting a flower in the dirt

I put my hands on her shoulders roughly

"Hey Katie"I said

Katie got startled

She slowly turned her head

"Ah phew,I thought you were Travis!"Katie sighed

I raised an eyebrow

"Why?"I asked

"He's been sneaking up on me for a while now"She admitted

"Oh....do you want me to beat him up for bothering you?"I smiled

"Yeah no"She responded

"Fine"I sighed

"So,how's Octavian?"Katie asked

"He's doing great,me and him had a fight"I explained

"Oh no,what did you fight about?"She asked

"Oh it wasn't like a friends fight,like a battle fight"I said

"Oh okay"She put her hand over her heart

"Are you worried?"I asked

"Well,yeah!"Katie exclaimed

I tilted my head


She blushed

"I ship you guys"Katie put hanged her head

I blushed too

"Ugghh!"I yelled

"Ah don't worry about it!It's not like everybody ships you two!"She patted my back


"Actually no"Katie cut me off

"Wait what?"I asked

"5 people ship you guys"Katie said

"Oh gods who?"I questioned

"Well...Piper,Leo,Reyna,Hazel,and me"She explained

"Oh...wait why Leo?!"I asked shockingly

"He's kind of a fanboy"Katie smiled


"Yeah really!"

I shook my head

"Gods"I muttered

"I always imagined you two together actually"Katie admitted

"Since when I saw you guys stand next to each other,that was like the first time you saw each other"She said

I blushed

"Did you know that you and Octavian have a ship name?!"Katie asked excitedly

"Ah no"I responded

"Well it's S/N!"Katie squealed

I widened my eyes

Did she just squealed?

"Katie,calm down"I put my hand on her shoulder

"I can't keep calm!"She got her bucket of dirt and ran off

"Oh my olympus"I face-palmed


Btw I changed my username to WhatTheHog

Don't question it....

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