Reyna's Crisis+Y/N and Octavian

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I don't know what to say..........Oh wait I do!This book has 222 reads!YAY!I thought it would just

have like 20 reads but boy was I wrong!So...carry on!


Reyna's POV

I ran to the stables and tripped

Oh what a glorious day I'm having!


I mean was happy that Annabeth,Percy,Leo,Jason,Clarisse,Nico,Will,Y/N etc...

came but it was too much too handle!!!!!

If they stay here then that means we have to have more food more beds and more clothes!!!!!

Wich was totally stressing me out!!!

And making me kind of crazy!!!!

I just came across Y/N and boy did she look like a mess!!!!!

"Hey Hazel!Have you seen Y/N?"I asked

"Yeah she looked like she got attacked by a titan"Hazel responded

"I know right!She said she had a battle with Octavian!I'm pretty sure Octavian kicked her butt"I said

Hazel nodded,"Y/N said she beat Octavian only 5 times and he beat her like 10"

"When did she tell you that?"I questioned

"Oh,after she had her battle with Octavian"Hazel answered

"Ohhh"I said

"I gotta go,I have to get extra blankets,clothing,and I have to get blue food coloring"I explained

Hazel raised an eyebrow

"The blue food coloring is for Percy right?"She asked

"Yeah,he started complaining on why we didn't have blue food or blue food coloring"I sighed

"Well,you better get going,Percy can't survive without blue food"Hazel said

I nodded,"See ya later Hazel!"I yelled and ran on the path

"See you later!"Hazel shouted

At that moment,I ran into someone

I looked up and.......*Sigh*........Octavian

"What?"I asked,annoyed

"Have you seen Y/N anywhere?"He asked

I nodded,"Yeah,she seemed pretty mad....Cause you beat her at that battle"I responded

He smiled

"It isn't my fault she surrenders easy"Octavian said

"Ahem"He turned around and saw an angry Y/N with her arms crossed

"What did you say"She said in a death tone

Since I had no intention to be here and spun around and ran anywhere but here

I looked over my shoulder and saw Y/N grab Octavian by the shirt and yell,"I don't surrender easily!"

I smiled

They'd make a GREAT couple.....


BAM!!!!!What a great ending don't ya think?!I LOVED THE ENDING!!!!!Even doe I wrote it!XD

Did anybody else imagine Hazel eating a apple while talking?!XD

No?Just me?!XD

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